If everything is mind … what are we, what can we do, and how can we affect our reality and our future? Referencing the “Kybalion,” as well as “Letting Go,” by David Hawkins, John dives deep into this subject. More
•Swedish researchers have developed a new method of recycling batteries from electric vehicles that allows recovery of 100 percent of the aluminum and 98 percent of the lithium.
•Russia and China, along with France and Finland, have taken the lead in nuclear electricity generation.
•US banks closed over 3,000 branches last year while opening just 1,000. More
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Enjoy this preview version of Questions. Topics submitted this month include: Timeline of upcoming global events; pension prognosis; focus groups studying baseline reality; food supply relating to Fukushima waste water; Berkeley Springs proximity to Washington, DC; Israel/Gaza events; China and the deep state; shielding from EMF’s; fine-tuning discernment; disparity between hexagonal and octagonal spiral; and More
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Ancient remote viewers accurately depicted current events unfolding today. The good news … these events may ultimately lead to a thousand years of peace. More
John Petersen talks with Frank Jacob about how he was influenced by Project Looking Glass, timelines and how we affect them, and impending choice points for humanity. Frank with be speaking at TransitionTalks December 9th, 2023. Join us in person, or via livestream! Get tickets and info here. More
What if the Earth is a living consciousness, that protects itself from toxins, that brings forth life, and has a symbiotic relationship with the other consciousness on the planet (humans). As humans became populous, sometimes they would become more “wicked” than good, and the planet would have “allergic” reactions (tidal waves, earthquakes, etc.) in response More
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Martin Armstrong’s projections indicate that between 2025 and 2027 we can expect a global civil war, after which the United States breaks up, and by 2032 there are five independent countries in North America. Logistically, the concept that the US breaks apart and then reconstitutes itself into five new countries within five years is extreme, More