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What’s Up! (Preview) – Resetting The Simulation

If we are living in a simulation … are we on the brink of a reset? How might we have the ability to influence the program, and the reset?

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  1. I first was exposed to the idea of living in a simulation in 1990 when I read Robert Wilson’s boo Three Scientists and Their Gods: Looking for Meaning in an Age of Information. Gregg, you beautifully set out indigenous wisdom of dreaming into our collective future. John, the questions emerging from bridging science and spirituality are age old. As Nisha Manek, MD describes in her book Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A Tiller’s Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine, we are phenomenal conscious beings I will add that intention is the key. If our intention is generated by fear, then outcomes generate more fear. If, on the other hand, our intention is life generating, life enhancing and life creating, then possibilities are endless. Bringing Nisha into these conversations will be awesome.

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Questions with John Petersen, April 2023. Full episode for premium members.

Questions – April 2023

Gregg Braden and John Petersen, What's Up! Resetting the Simulation

What’s Up! – Resetting The Simulation