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What’s Up! (Preview) – Collapse: The Path to Freedom

After living habitually within a controlled framework, when this framework buckles, will the result be chaos? Do we as a population even know what to do with this new freedom? Do we need to “learn” how to be free, after living within this controlled system?

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  1. posted for Joyce D:
    This question is for Gregg Braden on Manifestation. He has a video that speaks to how to ask and get the best results from your prayer, meditation etc. I thought this could be a very power discussion since most people do not realize how to receive what they deeply desire for their life. Also. how would you clear an illness from your body through this process. Beginning with the outcome. Thanks

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What's Up! Collapse: the path to freedom. With John Petersen, Gregg Braden

What’s Up! – Collapse: The Path to Freedom