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Volume 26, Number 17 – 9/1/2023

Volume 26, Number 17 – 09/01/2023

Future Facts from Think Links:

Did you know that…
  • A brain implant and digital avatar can made it possible for a stroke survivor to communicate more naturally through facial expressions alone.
  • Scientists from the City College of New York (CCNY) developed a way to effectively trap light inside a metamaterial, and in turn make the light 10 times more magnetic.
  • Bitcoin as a policy issue in the 2024 US election is being driven by 44% of voters coming from the Millennials and Gen-Z demographic.

Longer Life – Superhuman Capabilities
The Coming Revolution in Health


Saturday, September 23rd, 2023, 9:30-5:30
in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

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Dr. Todd Ovokaitys was the co-inventor of a technology platform that used lasers in a novel way. It was tested for its effects at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.  This work showed the ability to take a flask of tumor cells and transform their appearance and behavior to those of normal cells, a potential major breakthrough in oncology.  Additional research at the University of Southern California confirmed that this specially configured laser system could fully neutralize a virus in human cells in culture without a harmful effect upon the cells.

The unique laser wave form produced by the laser technology produces impulses at extremely rapid rates, as fast as a sub-femtosecond.  While a nanosecond is a billionth of a second, a femtosecond is a millionth of a nanosecond.  As molecules vibrate and rotate as quickly as 10 femtoseconds, this technology can produce rates as fast as molecules move and thereby intentionally entrain further specific motion.

The unique wave pattern allows deeper penetration through tissue than ordinary laser and has powerful interactions with molecules through the matching of molecular vibrations, also known as the principle of resonance.  By modulating the laser platform at frequencies that match the vibrational modes of molecules, this can modify the shape, structure and function of molecules in ways that have thus far been unprecedented.

The Qi Technology developed by Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, is an electromagnetic resonance technology that enhances the bioavailability of nutritional molecules to their most natural form. The body recognizes, accepts, and assimilates the molecule more readily for greater impact on the body. It’s like a perfect fitting key in a lock.

The net effect is that by treating one’s stem cells with the laser and then reinserting them into the body, the stem cells will rapidly migrate to the area of the body that is being externally illuminated by the laser . . . and then the newly energized cells begin to convert that area of the body into its original, youthful condition, often before times of injury or disease.  Research has also indicated that the treatment has an inclination to extend one’s lifetime as the result of the lasered stem cells changing their environment to an earlier state.

Qigenix is the use of the Qi Laser to find, activate, and relocate your very own stem cells in your body to promote healing and wellness. It is known science that our bodies have extra stem cells that have been “sleeping” most of our lives. We now have the power to utilize these dormant cells and encourage them to behave in our favor.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys’ Qigenix technology has proven its effectiveness and aided many in their healing journeys. The Qi laser also has been approved for many patents, furthering its foothold in the future of wellness.

Dr. Todd Ovokaity’s presentation on the 23rd of September will have the potential of changing your life – and certainly your outlook.  His interventions will literally change the world that we inhabit!

The greatest biological age reversal breakthrough in scientific history . . . and how it is done

The new shift in thinking is the gateway to human transformation. And because of the sheer number of people involved in this shift, and the growing magnitude of the crises that are driving us to change the way we think, we are standing on the threshold of human transformation at a level unlike anything ever before known on Earth. ~ Gregg Braden

Join us September 23rd, 2023, In Person or via Livestream!  Coolfont Resort, 3621 Cold Run Valley Road, Berkeley Springs, WV. 9:30 – 5:30 ET.

All tickets include access to the replay for six months, following the original event.

Click Here for Tickets and More Info
Dr. Todd Ovokaitys has been at the forefront of groundbreaking research and development that produced extraordinary results in health and wellness, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, life extension and consciousness that clearly paints the outlines of a new paradigm in science . . . and the emergence of a new human and new world.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys did his undergraduate studies at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.  After 2 years he was at the top of his class with a 4.0 GPA (out of 4.0).  He was one of 26 students in America accepted to an accelerated medical training program at the prestigious Johns Hopkins University Medical School in Baltimore, Maryland.  In the course of this work, he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa at this institution.  During this time Dr. Todd also studied voice and classical guitar at the Peabody Institute.  He received both BA and MD degrees from Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys’ subsequent training included an Internship and Residency at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC.  He was invited to be a Chief Medical Resident in the Georgetown University system, responsible for the teaching program of medical students, interns, and residents.  This honorary position was followed by the completion of a two-year Fellowship in Pulmonary and Intensive Care Medicine, also at Georgetown University Hospital.

While at Georgetown, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys experienced a deep insight into an elegant method for matching the vibrational states of biological molecules to neutralize toxins and enhance human biochemical functions.

Pursuing this insight, he moved to Southern California and constructed a platform with the assistance of Scottish physicist Scott Strachan.  This colleague had won the Enterprise Scotland Award from Prince Charles for laser measurement devices.  Scott Strachan also contributed to the creation of real time ultrasound, the technology that uses sound waves to view internal organs with precision.

Since 2005, Dr. Ovokaitys has been an Associate Professor of Medicine at Louisiana State University. This appointment has been for developing research into metabolic mechanisms for improving the condition of persons with HIV infection. Dr. Ovokaitys is also a high level consultant for anti-aging and regeneration medicine.  His realm of expertise includes the best of conventional and complementary, metabolic and nutritional medicine.

Dr. Ovokaitys has received a granted US patent for the repair of damaged heart tissue.  This laser treated nutrient formulation regenerates active myocardial tissue and can reverse the injury of a heart attack in as little as 30 days.

Another recent US patent is for the creation of a high energy form of Aspirin.  No other lab on earth has produced a stable form of Aspirin with such high free energy.  The practical implication of this discovery is that much smaller doses of Aspirin will give faster relief with fewer or no side effects.

He and his colleague Scott Strachan have also applied their technology platform to cholesterol lowering drugs.  With a granted US patent and global patents pending, they have created high free energy forms of all the major statin drugs.  They have also created two new forms of Zetia, the compound that inhibits absorption of cholesterol.  The patent presents 20 new chemical entities that are either high free energy (or other novel) forms of these compounds, either alone or in combination with each other, or within a matrix of high free energy aspirin. Only now available through their lab, the high free energy aspirin can exceed statin solubility by over 100-fold.  The statin-aspirin and statin-aspirin-Zetia combinations are expected to allow lower doses and more effective and desirable clinical action.  When combined with a suitable regimen of Coenzyme Q10, the side effects of the statins will be predictably mitigated and the therapeutic benefits enhanced.

Another body of the work is the relief of the HIV epidemic in Africa.  For the past several years, his research group has been providing health enhancing laser activated formulas for programs in South and East Africa.  These protocols include exotic rainforest botanicals that strengthen the immune system for wide variety of viral, tubercular and parasitic pathogens.  Immune recovery and improved quality of life have been significant.


?? Breakthrough Alert: Speaking Through Facial Expressions ?? – Medium, August 24, 2023

Discover how a brain implant and digital avatar have made it possible for a stroke survivor to communicate more naturally through facial expressions alone. Learn how the brain-computer interface (BCI) can decode brain signals into text at a rate of nearly 80 words per minute, giving hope for those who have lost the ability to speak due to neurological conditions or injuries. Join us as we explore the power of technology and the resilience of the human spirit. More here.

The Dark Side of AI: Exploring Potential Misuses and Dystopian Scenarios – Medium, August 28, 2023

Like any transformative technology, AI also comes with a dark side that raises concerns about its potential misuse and dystopian scenarios. As AI continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, it’s crucial to critically examine the potential negative consequences it could bring. More here.

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Next-Gen Application Security Architecture – Medium, August 29, 2023

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the emergence of sophisticated cyber threats and attacks has brought to the forefront the critical importance of robust application security architecture. Traditional security measures are no longer sufficient to protect against the dynamic and complex nature of modern cyber threats. As organizations continue to rely heavily on applications for their operations, the integration of AI and machine learning into next-generation application security architecture has become imperative. Read more on the impact of AI and machine learning on enhancing application security and outlines their roles in shaping the future of cybersecurity here.

“Ivermectin Worked!”: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds 74% Reduction in Excess Deaths – Forbidden Knowledge, August 23, 2023

Ivermectin, a controversially-discussed drug in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, was found in a 2020 study from Peru to significantly reduce COVID-related deaths. With the backing of a peer-reviewed publication, this assertion is more potent than ever. Read more here.

FDA  Admits it Had No Authority to Ban Ivermectin – Armstrong Economics, August 17, 2023

They laughed in the faces of those who wanted to take Ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They deemed it as simply a medication for horses with no real value. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) immediately jumped into action to prevent pharmacies from selling the drug. They threatened doctors not to prescribe the medicine and ran an effective smear campaign against Ivermectin.

The lockdowns, masking, vaccine mandates, business failures, supply chain issues, and every other aspect of COVID that destroyed life as we knew it could have been prevented if the “science” permitted us to use a generic drug that has proven to be effective. More here.

German Judge Who Ruled Against Mandates Sentenced to Two Years Probation – Frontline News, August 22, 2023

A German judge was slapped with a suspended sentence of two years imprisonment for ruling against mandates for children in 2021.

Weimar family court Judge overturned forced mask-wearing, physical distancing and mandatory COVID-19 testing in two Weimar schools in 2021 in defiance of Thuringian Education Ministry mandates.The judge believed child mask-wearing should be a decision made by the parents, whereas school mandates impinge on freedom of expression and personal health choice. More here.

Mask Study Published by NIH Suggests N95 Covid Masks May Expose Wearers to Dangerous Level of Toxic Compounds Linked to Seizures and Cancer – Daily Mail, August 29, 2023 

The surgical N95 mask has been held up as the gold standard when it comes to protecting against Covid. But a study quietly re-shared by the National Institutes of Health in spring suggests the tight-fitting mask may expose users to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. Read more here.

Who Best Avoided the COVID Religion? – Epoch Times, August 29, 2023

One of the greatest contributions that the United States gave to the world was and is religious freedom. In 2020, that freedom was taken away from all religions in the United States. We’ve not yet come to terms with this awful reality and what it means for the future of faith. More here.

Biden Has Already Begun Buying COVID-19 Equipment, Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers – WarRoom, August 22, 2023

The federal government has started purchasing COVID-19 equipment and hiring advisors on “safety protocols” amidst speculation the Biden White House will reinstate pandemic-era lockdowns and mandates. More here.

Scientists Trapped Light Inside a Metamaterial and Made It 10x More Magnetic – Popular Mechanics, August 19, 2023

  • Finding new ways to control light and magnetism will enable new technologies that we never thought possible.
  • Scientists from the City College of New York (CCNY) developed a way to effectively trap light inside a metamaterial, and in turn make the light 10 times more magnetic.
  • This breakthrough could lead to the creation of technologies like magnetic lasers that can leverage strong magneto-optical interactions. Read more here.

New Air-Conditioning Technology Could Be the Future of Cool – Scientific America, August 29, 2023

Standard AC units cool buildings but contribute to global warming. This past July was the hottest recorded month in human history. Heat waves smashed temperature records worldwide and even brought summer temperatures to Chile and Argentina during the Southern Hemisphere’s winter. It’s more than just a matter of sweaty discomfort. Severe heat is the deadliest of all weather events; in the U.S. alone, it kills more people each year than floods, tornadoes and hurricanes combined. As climate change worsens, access to artificially cooled spaces is rapidly becoming a health necessity—and an issue of basic human rights. Read how new technology aims to change that here.

Digital IDs in China – THE GREAT RESET IS HAPPENING NOW – Armstrong Economics, August 22, 2023

The mainstream media does not want the West to know what is happening in China because the people would be frightened and begin to rebel. The media wants you to believe that China is “experimenting” with digital IDs that are linked to bank accounts and impacted by social credit scores, but they’re already there. TikTok is one of the last platforms where users throughout the world can share personal news without censorship. In the video above, a Chinese woman is explaining how she “once again cannot buy food.” Read more here.

The Future of Gene Editing: Where Is It Headed? – Tech Bullion, August 28, 2023

Genetic technologies are advancing rapidly, with many expecting gene editing to transform our world. Although scientists have already done a lot using tools like CRISPR, they are leveraging their ability to modify targeted DNA with higher precision than ever before. Even though we have a lot to look at from the past, it is always a good exercise to look forward and see what could excite us about gene editing in the future. More here.

US Stocks Vulnerable to Severe Economic Downturn, Bank of America Warns – Signs of the Times, September 1, 2023

Stock market information at the Nasdaq MarketSite in New York, on June 9, 2023. Even with the Federal Reserve potentially halting rate hikes, US stocks remain under the shadow of a severe economic downturn, says a recent analysis by strategists at Bank of America Corp. Read more here.

Elon Musk And Bill Gates Describe The Electric Grid Of The Future—But Is It Achievable? – Forbes, August 28, 2023

The energy industry’s most influential electric companies gathered at the 2023 Edison Electric Institute (EEI) conference this June alongside industry analysts, government officials and technology innovators to navigate the path toward a carbon-free future. Conversations were rooted in the need for advanced technologies to support a reliable and affordable electric grid—a topic I’ve written extensively about as it pertains to grid modernization, electric vehicle charging and utility digitalization.

Inspiring keynote speeches from Bill Gates and Elon Musk emphasized our obligation to build a stronger grid in the face of mass electrification, followed by an abounding consensus for the deployment of more clean energy projects. However, as I reflect on the most important conversations at EEI 2023, it was those that focused on how we can actually achieve a clean energy grid from the bottom up—and what that means for customers. Read more here.

First-Of-A-Kind Ammonia-Powered Gas Carriers Could Be Commercially Viable From 2026, New Study Finds – Marine Insight, September 1, 2023

A new analysis from the Global Maritime Forum lays out an ambitious but feasible set of actions for lowering the operating costs of ammonia-powered ships. A new analysis from the Global Maritime Forum has found that the cost gap between operating ships on zero-emission ammonia and conventional fuel could be closed before 2030 and possibly as early as 2026. More here.


Is a Global Food Crisis the New Normal? – Aljazeera, August 29, 2023

When India halted the exports of non-basmati white rice in late July to control soaring prices domestically and ensure its local availability, the country had an explanation ready.

The ban, coming from the world’s largest rice exporter, was always going to send panic waves across the global markets as dozens of countries, especially in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, depend on Indian rice. Read more here.


Why San Francisco Is Dying And What It Has To Do With George Soros- RT. August 20, 2023

Once the calling card of America’s most populous state, San Francisco today is showing the bruises of political mismanagement as residents flee for the emergency exits. Can anything save the famed city of seven hills? Read more here.

Black Lives Matter’s Billions – Chronicles, August 29, 2023

New York City has agreed to pay $21,500 to each of the hundreds of protestors who complained about police, well, doing their jobs by using riot con­trol measures in the Mott Haven neigh­borhood of the Bronx during the George Floyd riots of 2020. A judge approved a historic settlement expected to reach up to $6 million. It happened on the heels of the city of Philadelphia agreeing to pay $9.25 million to Floyd protestors also al­leging police abuse. These cases have cre­ated a model for people involved in unrest to extract money from cities, essentially socializing the cost of rioting. More here.

Black Fencing Erected to Hide Lahaina Truth From Us All… While Military Men Halt Photography Attempts – Natural News, August 28, 2023

There are miles and miles of this black fence going up that was not here before that is obscuring ground zero and making sure no one can see what’s going on inside of there from the road, no one can get in there, no one can take any pictures. More here.

Depopulation, Climate Change, and Weather Weapons – InfoWars, August 26, 2023

Instead of thinking in terms of carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, think geoengineering and weather weapons. Man made climate change is real, Watch it here.

Russia-Ukraine War At a Glance: What We Know on Day 552 of The Invasion – The Guardian, August 29, 2023

  • A “farewell ceremony” for Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, who was killed in a plane crash last week, took place behind closed doors, his spokespeople said on Tuesday in a statement on social media.
  • More than 1,300 schools have been destroyed in government-held areas of Ukraine since Russia’s 2022 invasion, 
  • The US on Monday accused Moscow of attempting to intimidate and harass US employees after Russian state media reported that a former US consulate worker had been charged by security services with collecting information on the war in Ukraine and other issues for Washington. Read more here.

The Vulnerability and Exploitation of Paid Migrant Live-In Care Workers In London to Modern Slavery – Trust for London, August 23, 2023

Live-in care represents a specific segment of England’s adult social care sector. Live-in care workers stay in their client’s home and provide around-the-clock presence, and personal assistance as required with activities of daily living (for example, dressing and washing) to enable people with care and support needs to live independently in the community or remain at home with intensive and specialised support (as opposed to moving to a care home for example).

Labour exploitation is defined as work situations that deviate significantly from standard working conditions as set out by legislation or other binding legal regulations concerning remuneration, working hours, leave, entitlements, health and safety standards and decent treatment. Severe labour exploitation includes coercive practices such as slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and trafficking. More here.


Pilot Deaths: Flight from Nagpur to Pune, India, Collapsed at the Boarding Gate, Died in Hospital – Global Research, August 19, 2023

An IndiGo pilot who was to operate a flight from Nagpur to Pune, India, fell unconscious and collapsed at the boarding gate on Aug.17, 2023. He was taken to a hospital where he was declared dead, said sources. This is the third case of sudden death involving pilots this week, with two of the deceased being Indian pilots. On Wednesday, a senior pilot with Qatar Airways, who was flying from Delhi to Doha as a passenger, fell in on board and died. The flight was diverted to Dubai following the medical emergency. The pilot had earlier worked with Alliance Air and SpikeJet. Read more here.

Abnormalize The Empire – Caitlin Johnstone, August 27, 2023

The primary job of both Hollywood and the mainstream western press is to is to put a friendly, normal-looking face on a globe-spanning empire which dominates the world using nonstop violence and coercion. Their job is to continually normalize freakish tyranny. More here.

People vs. Pentagon: The Battle For UFO Transparency – Signs of the Times, August 29, 2023

If the Pentagon intended this to be their approach to a UAP investigation, then it appears designed to obscure the truth, create obstacles for Congress and the public, and downplay or dismiss the concerns of whistleblowers.

And that’s exactly how it has played out so far. Although we can only hope for better once its expected and delayed unclassified report is released in the upcoming weeks. But it could have been different. Read more here.

Changing Voter Demographics Puts Focus on Bitcoin for US 2024 Election: Grayscale – The Block, August 4, 2023

  • Bitcoin as a policy issue in the 2024 US election is being driven by 44% of voters coming from the Millennials and Gen-Z demographic.
  • Young American voters more concerned with money than former values such as patriotism and religion, according to a report. Read more here.

An Idaho Town Makes The Case For Guns In School – BuzzFeed, August 29, 2023

During the winter, it can take 45 minutes for police to arrive at the High School — one of several reasons the district trains teachers to use rifles stored around the school. To some outsiders, it’s foolish. But to the residents, it’s a solution that matches the challenges that distinguish their home. Read more here.
FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH – articles off the beaten track which may – or may not – have predictive value.

Arkansas Woman Pleads Not Guilty to Selling Over 20 Boxes of Stolen Human Body Parts – npr, May 1, 2023

An Arkansas woman has pleaded not guilty to charges she stole body parts from medical school cadavers and sold them through Facebook for $11,000. Over the course of the next nine months, Scott proceeded to ship the man an ear, an arm, lungs, livers, kidneys, hands, breasts, penises, fetuses, skin, skulls and one whole human head. In exchange, he paid her $10,975 in 16 separate PayPal transfers. Read more here.

A Rare Spotless Giraffe Born in a Tennessee Zoo – npr, August 22, 2023

A female reticulated giraffe was born at Brights Zoo in northeastern Tennessee late last month — but unlike her mother she was born without any spots, a rarity. Giraffe experts believe she is the only solid-colored reticulated giraffe living anywhere on the planet, The zoo is asking the public to help name the newborn. More here.
The 1967 Outer Space Treaty forbids any nation from trying to own the Moon.
We should all be concerned about the future because we will have to spend the rest of our lives there
~ Charles Kettering, American inventor, engineer, businessman, and the holder of 186 patents
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