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Quartet Preview – How do you tell the truth from falsehood in today’s world?

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  1. Sorry for the speech recognition errors above in my comment I should have edited better. It should have said shed some light… And later it should have said complicated instead of couple 🙂

  2. Thank you very much for the work y’all are putting into this 🙂 I am very grateful.

    I have a question that maybe someone can shed some I don’t hopefully: I live in rural Texas and there is no Internet connection where I live. So I have to use cellular that doesn’t have excellent coverage. Therefore my bandwidth speeds are low sometimes it’s only a little faster than the old dial-up 🙁 so I’m having real problems watching this video that you worked so hard to make available. Is anybody else having this problem? And here’s a couple getting factor: I want you to videos all the time and rarely or almost never have this problem. Thank you very much in advance 🙂

    • Hello Glenn, I have reached out to you privately and am awaiting a reply. Meanwhile, I understand you only have cellular, otherwise, I would suggest trying a different network connection.

      In your case though, perhaps you could try a different device (i.e., a laptop instead of a mobile phone.)

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Questions – January 2022

Quartet – How do you tell truth from falsehood in today’s world?