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Quartet Preview – Can we do anything about climate change?

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  1. Enjoyable discussion. We are d’accord on most of the points that the threesome brought out. John entered with the observation that climate is primarily cyclically developed. Cycles are both solar and cosmically engendered. Mr. Petersen also noted, in closing, that the Cabal’s agenda is to bunch people up in Megalopoli; where people are more vulnerable and most importantly more controllable. Some years ago I spoke with a cattleman in my rural community. His remark is that it is easy to control the herd when they are bunched up, but quite difficult and tedious to do so when scattered all over the landscape. In 1971 and then again in 1973 on a much smaller homestead, I gave up on cities after having lived in several of them and returned to rural roots. For years I’ve adopted the meme: Think globally and act locally.
    Thus in addition to 3 major gardens and several smaller beds, as well as orchard, composting and wood-cutting; I’ve been able to live fairly comfortably on a lifetime income never exceeding a net income of $9,000 per year.

    As a geologist Gregg reminded us that climate is primarily created by the angles of Gaiea to the rays of our sun and that the climate engineers are sold on the concept of retaining comfort zones, particularly for large cities and consumer lifestyles. He also noted that climate data has been “cherry-picked”. Quite true. The hubris of these people is utterly amazing. This development is most closely connected to the ruling elite’s felt need for control. Their greatest fear is that their serfs will do what the Mayans did and evacuate their marvelous cities and cultural developments and hie to the hills.

    Kingsley pointed out that the methodology of climate control is the pattern of geo-engineering with “playing” with cloud patterns to obscure sunlight and to creating electronic environments rather than adapting to natural systems. He also noted that the subject of pollution should not be harnessed to climate-change: Apples and oranges as it were. He also mentioned that much of the pollution is engendered by consumerist lifestyles, most particularly in sub-urban environments, I would add. My rural folk have unanimously agreed that there is no common sense in the “Sitties”—referent to my closest megalopolitan rat-race in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul and a metastasizing mass of sub-urban unreality.

    Recently, as a recovering journalist, I have taken to providing an occasional column for the local weekly paper. Two of the essays come under the rubric of “Thought for Food”, encouraging community gardening and other modes towards communitarian self-sufficiency. It was most rewarding to see the headline in the local focal about a resident of one of those villages calling for the establishment of a community garden. The City Council appeared to be warm to the proposition, so it’s likely to happen. Particular satisfaction was garnered by that resident having been named specifically in one of those columns.

    In other columns I have celebrated rural and small town living and the frequently evidenced culture of caring for each other as a great benefit for all as an underlying value. One closing statement in the essay was that “we are the lucky ones”.

    Thanks to each of you on the panel for maintaining the discourse.

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News Alert – March 21, 2022

Quartet – Can we do anything about climate change?