
Volume 27, Number 11

Volume 27, Number 11 – 06/04/2024
Future Facts from Think Links: Did you know that…





Update Your Unconscious


Biological Programs


Saturday, June 15, 2024 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. ET in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia or via LIVESTREAM!

Click Here for Tickets and More Info
Annual Premium members receive a 10% discount automatically at check out. Be sure you are logged in to receive the discount!
As human beings, we are subconsciously programmed as far back as conception. We attract circumstances based on this programming. Our resulting habits can be limiting, creating various obstacles in our lives. Our bodies can express health issues that are related to unconscious parental and ancestral imprints. It is possible to reprogram your subconscious mind in a way that puts you on a desired health and life path, permitting you to experience your highest potential. Join us and discover how to transcend your cellular capacities to experience the life you truly want.
  • Discover the direct link between emotional distress and health issues.
  • Activate your emotional intelligence.
  • Liberate yourself from unwanted ancestral and parental influences.
  • Update your subconscious software.
  • Become the designer of your own dreams.
  • Change your magnetic field to attract the life you want.
Join us for a very special event, which will not only lift your spirit but also show you how you can change your vibration instantly. You will learn how to gain power and elevate your life by using the language of your subconscious mind to rewire outdated programs.
By releasing negative thoughts that no longer serve you, you can invite new and exciting possibilities into your life. ~ Isabelle Benarous ~

Join us June 15th, 2024, In Person or via Livestream! Coolfont Resort, 3621 Cold Run Valley Road, Berkeley Springs, WV 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. ET

All tickets include access to the replay for six months, following the original event.

Click Here for Tickets and More Info
Isabelle Benarous is the founder of the BioReprogramming Institute and the author of the book: “The Bio-Breakthrough: Decode Your Illness and Heal Your Life.” She is an expert in Biological Decoding and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and her experience in these fields led her to develop the BioReprogramming® method. This practical technology offers a comprehensive approach based on the science of human evolution and the processes of the mind. This method aims to provide lasting solutions for emotional conflicts, optimize illness prevention, and help individuals achieve their highest potential.
Isabelle Benarous provides diverse workshops and certification programs covering several topics, such as BioReprogramming®, Biological Decoding, NLP, and Ericksonian Hypnosis. Isabelle is renowned for her clear explanations, creativity, and strategic intellect while performing live interventions during her seminars. Her objective is to educate and motivate others to take control of their healing and to offer therapists a new perspective in addressing health issues. As a public speaker and consultant, Isabelle has built an outstanding reputation with several holistic health service organizations worldwide. Isabelle currently teaches live and online workshops while also maintaining a private practice in Los Angeles, California.

USING WORDS TO HEAL Update Your Unconscious

Biological Programs
Saturday, June 15, 2024 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia or via LIVESTREAM! (All tickets include unlimited access to the replay for six months!) Complete information at: See you there!

AI Has Learned How to Deceive and Manipulate Humans. Here’s Why it’s Time to be Concerned – DownToEarth, May 13, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are developing the ability to deceive humans and manipulate them to achieve their goals, new research has discovered. The study, led by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), analysed the behaviour of various AI systems and was published in journal Cell Press. The findings highlighted a troubling trend: AI programmed for specific tasks is learning to exploit loopholes and deceive users to achieve success. The researchers found that AI systems can strategically withhold information or even create false information to trick humans into certain actions, highlighting that this ability to deceive can have serious consequences. This deception extends to AI intentionally misleading safety tests. Read more here.

Digitally Immortalising Departed Loved Ones Comes with Ethical Concerns: Study Calls for Cautious Design of AI ‘Deadbots’ – DownToEarth, May 9, 2024

A new study urges caution in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots designed to mimic deceased loved ones, known as ‘deadbots’. Researchers have warned that these chatbots, while potentially comforting, could lead to psychological distress if not designed with safety in mind. Deadbots, also known as griefbots, are AI-enabled digital representations of departed loved ones. These chatbots simulate their language patterns and personality traits using their digital footprint, like emails, social media posts and even voice recordings, to create a conversational AI that reflects their personality. While the idea of holding a digital conversation with a lost loved one may be appealing to those coping with grief and loss, the study highlighted potential risks. Companies offering these services need to adopt safety standards to ensure that their technologies do not manipulate or cause psychological distress to the users. Read more here.

What’s Scarier Than Unchecked AI? A ‘Swarm’ of 3,400 Corporate AI Lobbyists – Common Dreams, May 29, 2024

“Either we let corporate lobbyists write rules on AI to concentrate corporate power and wealth, or we demand that government officials prioritize the public interest.” Dozens of legislative proposals aiming to regulate artificial intelligence have been introduced since the beginning of the 118th Congress early last year, and industries and corporations that plan to expand their use of AI have taken notice—more than doubling the number of lobbyists they sent to Capitol Hill in 2023 to influence lawmakers on AI-related issues, compared to the previous year. That’s according to an analysis by consumer advocacy group Public Citizen, which warned in its report published Wednesday that “powerful corporate interests are pouring resources into shaping AI policy.” Read more here.

China: Robot Doctors at World’s 1st AI Hospital Can Treat 3,000 a Day – Interesting Engineering, May 30, 2024

The world is making significant inroads into utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technology to advance functions in various domains, especially healthcare. We have seen AI technologies helping to advance personalized medicine, predictive analytics, drug discovery and development, smart virtual health assistants, and furthering medical imaging and diagnostics. Now, a Chinese state media outlet reports that the country has developed its first AI hospital town, a concept in which virtual patients are attended to by AI doctors. The system, developed by a team at Tsinghua University in Beijing, aims to advance medical consultation by training doctor agents in a simulated environment. The team says this will equip them to evolve independently and enhance their ability to treat diseases. Read more here.

COVID Pandemic Was a Fraud, a Lie, a Hoax! There Was Never Ever a Pandemic, Never Met the Threshold of a Pandemic and We Were Lied To Deliberately for Nefarious Reasons by Governments – Global Research, May 6, 2024

COVID was a fraud PCR created pandemic. A fraud! A lie! Greatest hoax in history on peoples. Populations. I can say it no other way. We were detecting a pathogen that was always circulating, it was not ‘new’, not ‘novel’, our immune systems dealt with this prior in some manner. Driven by a PCR test or process that was overly sensitive and whereby the vast majority of those taken out of schools and society were not positive for infectious or lethal pathogen. This statement is key. COVID killed high-risk, susceptible, vulnerable persons beyond life expectancy. It did not cut life short. Wrap your head around that! COVID was like a common cold, heavy flu if that with an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.05% for those under 70 years. No excess mortality in 2020 at the height of the pathogen circulation, yet excess mortality when we rolled out vaccine and in line with lockdown lunatic policies and how we treated people in hospitals. It was not a pandemic, it was a fraud. More here.

When Did the US Government Declare the First National State of Medical Emergency? – Substack, May 23, 2024

Was it in the 1800s? 1900s? No. Empowered by the PREP Act of 2005, the first time was… 2009. Swine Flu. Barack Obama declared the medical state of emergency. That was a key moment in American history. More here.

Ed Dowd Exposes the Big Lie Surrounding COVID Vaccine Injuries – Forbidden Knowledge, May 12, 2024

“There seems to be a concerted effort” to rewrite COVID vaccine history, says data analyst Edward Dowd. While Chris Cuomo and Dr Deborah Birx admit that vaccine injuries exist, they push the idea that they’re “small.” Well, that’s not what Dowd is seeing. His data suggests that since the vaccine rollout, America has seen: • 1.1 million excess deaths • 4 million people becoming disabled • And 28.6 million vaccine-injured people are often missing work due to chronic illness. “So, it’s about 33 million Americans have been injured, disabled, or died from this vaccine in our estimate.” Watch here.

COVID-19 ‘FLiRT’ Variants Dominate US – The Epoch Times, May 18, 2024

A new family of COVID-19 variants named ‘FLiRT’ is now dominant in the United States. The CDC reports that one in three COVID-19 cases are caused by these variants. Although the infection rate is higher than the previous variants, the number of total reported COVID-19 cases has been on the decline. Read more here.

Senior Expert – Bitchute, May 9, 2024

Watch senior Japanese Oncologist talk about “turbo cancer” which is attacking people vaccinated against COVID-19, especially with mRNA vaccines who are suffering from a high incidence of fast-developing cancers, usually only detected at Stage 4, Watch here.

This Is What Happened After Several Schools Banned Cellphones – The Epoch Times, May 6, 2024

Banning cellphones in schools improved academics, reduced bullying, and reduced students’ need for counseling, a 73-page Norwegian paper has found. Girls benefited the most from the policies. “Banning smartphones significantly decreases the health care take-up for psychological symptoms and diseases among girls,” Sara Sofie Abrahamsson, a postdoctoral researcher and the paper’s sole author, wrote in the abstract. “Post-ban bullying among both genders decreases.” Read more here.

Engineers Make ‘Dune Stillsuit’ That Turns Pee, Sweat into Drinkable Water – Interesting Engineering, May 20, 2024

YouTube channel Hacksmith Industries has successfully jerry-rigged a working “Stillsuit” inspired by the “Dune” science fiction universe. Using a combination of computer parts and health and safety personnel protective equipment (PPE), their “stillsuit” made drinkable water from the wearer’s sweat, breathe, and pee. In Frank Herbert’s 1965 epic, “stillsuits” are essential survival gear for the inhabitants of the fictional desert planet of Arrakis. According to the lore, these suits can recycle most of the wearer’s body moisture to enable them to survive the harsh environment. It consists of a sleek body-hugging suit with a mask or tube covering the wearer’s mouth and nose. In more recent adaptations, this has included an iconic tube that inserts into the wearer’s nostrils. Read more here.

In a First, New Wearable Ultrasound Patch Tracks Brain Blood Flow 24/7 – Interesting Engineering, May 25, 2024

Engineers have developed a wearable, soft, and stretchy ultrasound patch that can monitor cerebral blood flow. The patch is said to be the first of its kind in wearable technology, and it can be worn on the temple to monitor three-dimensional data on cerebral blood flow. Developed by engineers at the University of California San Diego, the ultrasound patch marks a significant leap from the current clinical standard. It differs from Doppler ultrasound, which requires a trained technician to hold an ultrasound probe against a patient’s head. Read more here.

Trained Dogs Set New Record in Scent Detection, Beat Advanced Machines – Interesting Engineering, May 30, 2024

A new study has discovered that dogs have an exceptional sense of smell and can detect very low levels of eucalyptus hydrolate, even lower than what advanced machines can detect. While dogs have long been used in search and rescue missions, the study noted that dogs’ ability to detect even low concentrations of a specific scent was previously unknown or underestimated, as it surpassed the detection capabilities of even sophisticated analytical instruments. Scientists are proposing that with proper training, dogs can identify scents associated with certain substances or conditions at levels far below what was previously thought possible. Read more here.

Brainbridge, The First Head Transplant System – Forbidden Knowledge, May 22, 2024

BrainBridge, the first head transplant system, uses robotics and AI for head and face transplants, offering hope to those with severe conditions like stage-4 cancer and neurodegenerative diseases… BrainBridge is the world’s first revolutionary concept for head transplant system, employing cutting-edge robotics and artificial intelligence to ensure successful head and face transplantation procedures with improved outcomes and faster recoveries. BrainBridge will be able to conduct face and scalp transplantation to restore functionality and aesthetic appearance. Watch video here.

The Financial Incentive to Murder and Poison American Children – Forbidden Knowledge, May 16, 2024

In an April 16th interview with Polly Tommey, Dr. Paul Thomas, explained how the American medical establishment incentivizes pediatricians to fully vaccinate their young patients, and fines them if they don’t. Vaccinations that have been proven to cause more death and harm than the diseases they are said to be preventing. Watch here.

The Risks Associated with Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation. Dr. Gary G. Kohls – Global Research, May 31, 2024

The following compilation of scientific studies and analysis by Dr. Gary G. Kohls M.D. was first published in the Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter, No. 304, 28 June 2007.
  • Microwave Radiation Causes Eye Damage
  • Microwave Radiation Damages DNA
  • Cell Phone Usage Causes Tumors
  • Cell Phone Usage Disrupts Children’s Brains
  • Cell Phone Usage Cuts Male Fertility
  • Microwave Radiation Causes Brain Damage
  • The Head Absorbs Radiation
  • Mobile Phone Signals Affect Brain Activity
  • Radiation From Cell Phones Makes Cancer Grow Faster
  • Cell Phone Radiation Can Cause Brain Tumors
  • Cell Phones Increase Blood Pressure
Read the facts here.

Stressed? Study Shows Light Shone on the Head and Belly Helps – New Atlas, May 3, 2024

Applying non-invasive, low-intensity light to the head and belly simultaneously reduces the effects of chronic stress on the gut microbiome and the brain, according to a new study. The research adds to mounting evidence linking the two organs. Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non-invasive technique that uses low-intensity light from lasers or LEDs to produce a therapeutic effect. It’s been used to treat medical conditions as varied as heart disease and wounds. Transcranial PBM, using light on the head, has also shown promise in treating psychological disorders. Read more here.

Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections – Forbidden Knowledge, May 21, 2024

More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote that, “In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated… so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit… He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.” A viral video which claims to be a leaked 2005 presentation to the DOD by American geneticist, Dean Hamer, shows a man briefing a room of men about the VMAT2 gene, the God gene, and how it can be suppressed with the use of vaccines. Read more here.

Mysterious Viral DNA in Human Genome Linked With Psychiatric Disorders – Science Alert, May 27, 2024

Around 8% of human DNA is made up of genetic sequences acquired from ancient viruses. These sequences, known as human endogenous retroviruses (or Hervs), date back hundreds of thousands to millions of years with some even predating the emergence of Homo sapiens. Our latest research suggests that some ancient viral DNA sequences in the human genome play a role in susceptibility to psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Read more here.

Carbon Emissions CANNOT Cause ‘Global Warming’ – Need To Know, May 31, 2024

A bombshell new peer-reviewed study has provided conclusive scientific evidence proving that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Earth’s atmosphere cannot cause “global warming.” Dr. Jan Kubicki led a group of world-renowned Polish scientists to study the impact of increases in CO2 emissions on the Earth’s global temperatures. However, not only did they find that higher levels of CO2 made no difference, but they also proved that it simply isn’t possible for increases in carbon dioxide to cause temperatures to rise. More here.

Cows Do NOT Cause ‘Climate Change,’ Top Study Confirms – Need To Know, May 31, 2024

A bombshell new study has debunked the globalist narrative that emissions from cows are causing “climate change” while proving that cattle herds actually lower methane gas levels in the atmosphere. In recent years, unelected foreign organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN) have been demonizing the agriculture industry while calling for limits, or even bans, on the general public’s consumption of meat and dairy products. More here.

Extreme Heat Expected to Impact Millions of Americans Again This Summer – Common Dreams, May 27, 2024

Millions of people in the United States are facing the high likelihood of extreme heat in the coming weeks, with northern states that frequently have relatively temperate summers among those where higher-than-average temperatures are expected this summer, according to federal data. Read more here.

Tens of Thousands of GMO Mosquitoes Released in Djibouti to “Fight Malaria” – Natural News, May 30, 2024

Authorities have released tens of thousands of genetically modified mosquitoes in Djibouti to deal with malaria… what could possibly go wrong? The mosquitoes being released are male Anopheles Stephensi mosquitoes, who do not bite. They target female mosquitoes, which are the only ones that can bite and transmit viral diseases like malaria; the GMO insects carry a gene that effectively kills female offspring before they can reach maturity. Meanwhile, the male offspring can survive, but the company behind the technology claims they will die out eventually. The Stephensi mosquito species that is behind Djibouti’s current wave of malaria is notoriously challenging to control. Originally from Asia, it has somehow managed to overcome traditional methods of mosquito control, such as chemical insecticides. Unlike other mosquito species that thrive in rural settings, these fare better in cities, which means the number of people who can become infected is much higher – and many urban dwellers do not have much resistance to the disease because they have never been exposed to it before. Read more here.

Plans for Larger, Higher Baltimore Bridge Keep Channel Clear for Ships – New Atlas, May 8, 2024

Following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, a team made up of Carlo Ratti Associati, along with construction firm Webuild and structural engineer Michel Virlogeux, has proposed a new and safer replacement. The Francis Scott Key Bridge part-collapsed in March when an out-of-control container ship hit one of its structural supports. Though obviously the loss of life is the most tragic consequence, the disaster also represents the destruction of a much-needed transport link in Baltimore and needs to be replaced as soon as possible while ensuring the same thing can’t happen again. This proposal, named Gateway to America: A New Bridge for Baltimore, envisions a cable-stayed bridge. It addresses the key cause of the original bridge’s collapse by enlarging the main span from 1,200 ft (almost 366 m) to 2,230 ft (680 m). This means that the primary support pillars of the crossing would now be situated in very shallow water, safely away from the navigation channel used by any large vessels. Read more here.

California Went 9.25 Hours Using Only Renewable Energy – Fast Company, April 23, 2024

Nearly every day for the last six weeks, California’s electric grid has run on solar, wind, and other clean energy sources for hours at a time. 39 million Californians went about their daily lives, taking showers, doing laundry, or charging their electric cars. The whole state ran on 100% clean electricity for more than nine hours. The state was powered without fossil fuels for more than eight hours. It was the ninth straight day that solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and battery storage fully powered the electric grid for at least some portion of the time. Over the last six and a half weeks, that’s happened nearly every day. In some cases, it’s just for 15 minutes. But often it’s for hours at a time. Read more here.

Future-Proofing Clean Energy Operations: Scaling Sustainably Through Software – Clean Energy, May 21, 2024

Clean energy growth continues to outpace projections. By early 2025, renewable energy sources are projected to contribute over 33 percent of the world’s total electricity generation. While exact growth rates remain in flux and often are under-forecasted, projected solar and wind additions are expected to more than double by 2028, compared to 2022, reaching nearly 710 gigawatts. Growth is accelerating in both the United States and the European Union, driven by the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and EU policy incentives at the country level that support decarbonization and energy security goals. Read more here.

The Looming Electrical Power Shortage – The Common Sense Show, May 7, 2024

For 20 years, U.S. electrical power policy has been dominated by efforts to try to “mitigate” global warming, believed to be caused by human greenhouse gas emissions. In 2021, President Joe Biden called for achieving a 100% carbon-free electric sector by 2035. Twenty-three states have enacted statutes or issued executive orders to achieve net-zero electricity generation by 2050. Because of net-zero mandates, grid operators spent the last two decades replacing coal-fired power plants with natural gas plants, wind turbines, and solar installations. More than 200 coal plants have been closed, reducing electricity output from coal by almost 60% since 2007. From 2000 to 2023, wind and solar output rose from near zero to a combined 14.1% of production. Over the same period, natural gas rose from 16.2% to 43.1% of power generation. But grid operators in many states now face an unprecedented ramp in electricity demand. Read more here.

Could an Underwater Air-Based Battery Solve Energy Supply Problems? – Interesting Engineering, May 2024

An Israel-based company is testing out an air-based battery to regulate electrical supply. Future grids are likely to be patchwork affairs of several sources. BaroMar aims to use its air-based battery on the sea floor to ensure constant supply. Watch here.

EV Charging “Trees” Ready for Planting on a Street Near You – New Atlas, May 22, 2024

Back in March, not only did Gravity Technologies open the fastest EV charging station in the US, but the company also unveiled a super-quick curbside charger. Now a new on-street system has been revealed that will see “DEAP Trees” raising the charging game. The DEAP Trees essentially mount Distributed Energy Access Points to posts positioned at the curbside. A hinged swingarm holds the charging cable above the street, and pivots down when it’s time to plug in. Gravity says that the solution doesn’t require utility upgrades, and offers 200-kW charging for up to 200 miles of range in 13 minutes or just 5 minutes at 500 kW. Read more here.

Eco-Friendlier Offshore Fish Farm Sinks to Ride Out Storms – New Atlas, March 7, 2024

A new type of submersible fish farm could make aquaculture operations much more eco-friendly. The storm-resistant structure is designed to stay out in the deep, cold waters of the open ocean, where it should have less environmental impact than shore-adjacent pens. Read more here.

How Israel is Using Facial Recognition in Gaza – npr, May 24, 2024

After the Hamas-led attack of Oct. 7 triggered Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians began fleeing from the North of Gaza to the South. As they fled, many Palestinians reported passing through checkpoints with cameras. Israel had previously used facial recognition software in the West Bank, and some Palestinians reached out to The New York Times reporter Sheera Frenkel to ask if she could investigate whether they were also using it in Gaza. Frenkel found that Israel had launched a new facial recognition system in Gaza late last year with the help of private companies – and Google photos. Google was unaware its technology was being used in this way until Frenkel reached out to the organization for comment. Frenkel also found that the technology was initially used to search for Israelis who were taken by Hamas on Oct. 7, and has increasingly been used to search for members of Hamas and other militant groups. Frenkel’s reporting shows the software was used to wrongfully detain civilians Israel had misidentified as Hamas militants. Read more here.

Rafah Camp Bombing: World Leaders ‘Horrified’ by Israeli Air Strike – Natural News, May 30, 2024

World leaders have expressed their outrage following Israel’s attack on a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, southern Gaza. The death toll from the attack, which took place in Tel al-Sultan neighbourhood in western Rafah, has now risen to 45, the Palestinian health ministry said. The area has been designated by Israel as a “safe-zone” and thousands of displaced Palestinians have sought refuge there since Israel invaded Rafah two weeks ago. Read more here.

Chris Hedges: The Miracle of Kindness – Scheerpost, April 11, 2024

Evil, even in the darkest moments, is impotent before the miracle of human kindness. This miracle defies prejudices and hatreds. It crosses cultures and religions. It lies at the core of faith. Take a brief journey through the eyes of American, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges to Jerusalem, Gaza, and Iraq, and discover the sacred bonds that make us human. Watch here.

The Military Industrial Complex and Israel Are Threatened by Student Protests – Need To Know, May 31, 2024

Students’ college and university tuition is used by the schools for investments that support the military industrial complex and Israel by purchasing its military equipment. Pro-Israel supporters aim to shut down student protests across the US because the student protesters are calling for their schools to divest from “Israel and the military-industrial complex” under the boycott, divest and sanction (BDS) campaign. The US military-industrial complex exports nearly half of all weapons sold on the global market and could not function without American universities. Hundreds of schools conduct Pentagon-funded research, and this funding makes up a significant portion of many university budgets, especially at large research universities. To divest from war would be to commit institutional suicide. Schools are further beholden to the Pentagon through their general reliance on public research funds. More here.

Censorship Goes Into Overdrive: – Forbidden Knowledge, May 21, 2024

EU Commission chief proposes a “new structure” dubbed the “European Democracy Shield” to detect and remove online content from alleged “enemies of democracies.” According to the sources, the Weimar Triangle’s proposals include establishing a Brussels-administered “European media platform” to police media content across the bloc; boosting joint communications about the benefits of being EU members; giving out additional funds for ‘media literacy,’ especially in more ‘problematic’ member states, as well as better coordination between member states on countering foreign influence campaigns. Read more here.

Hiding Behind Puppet Kiev, NATO Trying to Inflict Strategic Defeat on Russia – Global Research, May 27, 2024

On May 24, the Ukrainian military launched drone strikes on the Voronezh-DM strategic over-the-horizon long-range radar in Armavir in the Krasnodar region. The radar antennas were reportedly damaged. This facility has nothing to do with the ongoing military operations in Ukraine. Over-the-horizon long-range radar stations of the Voronezh-type are part of the Missile Attack Warning System aimed to detect the launch of ballistic nuclear missiles. This is an element of Russian strategic security, space defense at great distances. It operates in a range of up to 6,000 km and up to 8,000 km in near space, simultaneously monitoring up to 500 different objects. More here.

United States and Iran Help China Push Global Executions to 10-Year High – Common Dreams, May 29, 2024

Lawmakers in southern U.S. states accused of demonstrating “a chilling commitment” to state-sponsored murder alongside “a callous intent to invest resources in the taking of human life.” The number of executions worldwide hit a nearly 10-year high in 2023 thanks to a surge in state killings by Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, and the United States. A new global report published by Amnesty International documents that the death penalty was imposed on 1,153 people last year, though the total is believed to be significantly higher due to the secrecy surrounding China’s penal system. The international human rights group believes “thousands” of people were executed by the Chinese government, but the exact figure is not known. More here.

The Role of Grandparent Vanishing from Society – Armstrong Economics, May 24, 2024

I discussed how the rising costs of childcare surpass the cost of rent by 25% to 50% across the United States. The cost of raising a child is directly reflected in the birth rate crisis we are seeing across the world. Another new phenomenon is permanently altering the family structure as a result of economics – the absence of the role of grandparents. Unlike countless animal species, humans were designed to survive well past child-rearing years. Only a few animal species, such as elephants and whales, undergo menopause, and not so coincidentally, these species rely on shared wisdom passed down through the generations for survival. Men begin to decline in testosterone around the same time that women go through menopause, and while they can continue having children throughout their life cycle, men are wired to be less likely to compete for mates later in life. Grandparents served an essential role in the family structure. More here.

Human Design: What is The Viral Astrology-Like Trend: Celebrity Astrologers Weigh In – Woman’s World, May 20, 2024

Human design combines the ancient principles from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system and quantum physics to give individuals insights into their personality, strengths, weaknesses and life purpose. Like astrology, a human design profile maps a person’s unique energy configuration at birth. It outlines their conscious and unconscious personality traits, decision-making strategy and potential for personal growth. The idea is to pinpoint your specific human design profile and then use that as a guidance system to make active changes in your life. Read more here.

Fixit Culture is on the Rise, but Repair Legislation Faces Resistance – npr, May 27, 2024

Americans are responsible for throwing out more stuff than any other nation in the world. According to the Public Interest Research Group, people in this country generate more than 12% of the planet’s trash, though we represent only 4% of the global population. “We keep going at this pace and we’ll reach the heat death of the earth in a few hundred years,” said Adam Savage, the leader and host of Tested, a popular YouTube channel and website aimed at makers, and an outspoken advocate for repairing the things we own rather than trashing them. “So time is of the essence.” Read more here.

A Completely New Paradigm Could Change Everything – The Pulse, May 15, 2024

A deep understanding that matter and energy are not two but one would also support the nondual “All is Consciousness” philosophers; however, it is something our current minds can’t accept, especially in view of our apparent forays into “outer space.” Not a flat earther but I’ve always suspected that somehow, despite our apparent physical visits to the Moon and Mars, the entire notion of a vast purely material outer space might be a psychological illusion based on our limited brains and the limitations of our biological reality. More here.

Bob Lazar: Aliens Regard Humans As Containers – Forbidden Knowledge, May 13, 2024

Area 51 physicist, Bob Lazar recalls the “extremely classified document dealing with religion” that was about 2 inches thick. When pressed for the details, Bob says that the aliens regard humans as “containers” and that the whole purpose of religions was to create rules and regulations to “not damage the containers”. Watch here.

A New Initiative Aims to Fix Americans’ ‘Happiness Problem.’ Here’s How it Could Actually Work – Fast Company, April 28, 2024

Nostalgia can be a trap. Gazing back fondly at some half-remembered, possibly fictitious version of the past is a surefire way to feel dissatisfied with the present and fearful for the future. What might be more constructive than looking backwards, though, is looking around—at the people who seem to be thriving in other versions of the present. This is partly why the most recent World Happiness Report is such a hard pill for Americans to swallow. The annual report, conducted by Gallup World Poll researchers, saw the U.S. plummet this past year from #15 to #23 in terms of global happiness. This result reflects the current state of a country beset by constant political chaos, widespread pessimism, and rising suicide rates. In response to America’s poor showing, Connecticut’s Democratic Senator Chris Murphy and Utah’s Republican Governor Spencer Cox aim to address the conditions that created it with their just-launched, bipartisan Restoring the Common Good Initiative. Read more here.

Americans Fleeing Cities for Small Towns in Droves as Crime and Taxes Skyrocket – May 30, 2024

Americans have been leaving the nation’s biggest cities in droves in recent years in favor of small towns as crime, immigration and high taxes leave people seeking a different way of life. In the three years leading up to the pandemic, counties encompassing metro areas with a million residents or more lost 200,000 residents yearly to other regions, on average. The pandemic only served to accelerate this trend, with the average loss climbing to 750,000 in 2021 and 650,000 in 2022. Statistics show that a lot of these people are moving to small towns, a trend that has not been seen in the U.S. since at least the 1970s. Although big cities are still seeing a modest rise in their populations due to surging international immigrants, they’re struggling to keep Americans in town. Read more here.

Heat-Gun-Toting Robot Could Create Bespoke Clothing on the Cheap – New Atlas, March 9, 2024

Custom-fit clothing is usually quite expensive, but perhaps it doesn’t have to be. MIT’s 4D Knit Dress is an example of a new type of clothing that a robot could selectively shrink to fit the wearer, perhaps right in the store. The technology is being developed by a team at MIT’s Self Assembly Lab, working in collaboration with high-tech apparel company Ministry of Supply. While the dress itself isn’t 3D-printed in the usual sense, the “4D” in its name refers to the concept of 4D printing, in which the fourth dimension of an item’s fabrication process is self-assembly over time. This isn’t the Self Assembly Lab’s first foray into the field, as it previously brought us strands of 4D-printed material that self-fold into predetermined shapes when placed in water. Read more here.

More and More Americans are Becoming ‘ALICEs.’ They Can’t Afford Rent and Groceries but are Falling Through the Cracks in the Country’s Safety Net – Business Insider, April 18, 2024

  • ALICE is an acronym for a group of Americans who are asset-limited, income-constrained, and employed.
  • Most ALICEs earn too much to qualify for government assistance but not enough to afford daily life in the US.
  • Their existence points to a gap in how the US measures who’s struggling economically.
Imagine making just enough money at your job that you don’t qualify for food stamps or disability payments, but not enough to afford rent and healthcare. That would make you an ALICE. Read more here.

How a Controversial Cryonics Procedure Could Finally Make Immortality Possible – Popular Mechanics, May 1, 2024

Futurists, including some medical doctors, are signing up to be decapitated and then have their brains frozen. But without a body, what will their minds become? In December 2014, Dr. Stephen Coles, a UCLA professor who studied aging, passed away from pancreatic cancer. While for many years Coles had made his home in Los Angeles, he chose to enter hospice care in Scottsdale, Arizona. That way, he could be close to the team of doctors who would remove and freeze his brain when he died. Once Coles was pronounced dead, that team arrived at his bedside. They restored his breathing and blood circulation with a heart-lung resuscitator, also known as a thumper, a mechanical device used in emergency medicine to perform CPR and injected his body with anticoagulants to keep the blood flowing. All of this was done to protect the brain from damage that can occur after too long without oxygen. Next, the body was cooled in an ice water bath, the blood replaced with an organ preservation solution. Finally, Coles’ body arrived at its final destination: Alcor, the nation’s oldest provider of cryonics, the freezing of human corpses and brains in liquid nitrogen that will one day, technology willing, live again. There, surgeons performed a neuroseparation, removing Cole’s head at the sixth cervical vertebra, and pumped cryoprotectants (medical-grade anti-freeze) into the now severed head. Then, a forensic pathologist opened the skull and removed the brain. Read more here.
FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH – articles off the beaten track which may – or may not – have predictive value.

Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal – Substack, May 29, 2024

For decades, those with eyes to see have been aware of Chemtrails in our skies. And for decades we were called conspiracy theorists. But in 2016, while serving as Director of the CIA, John Brennan admitted that Chemtrails are real at the Council on Foreign Relations. Read his statement here.

Personal ‘Invisibility Shield’ Goes on Sale – New Atlas, March 27, 2024

If you’ve ever wished that you could turn invisible, here’s your chance. A consumer “invisibility shield” has just hit Kickstarter, and it could be yours for as little as £54 (about US$68). Manufactured by the London-based Invisibility Shield Co, the Invisibility Shield 2.0 is being offered in Mini, Full and Megashield sizes. As its name implies, it’s the new-and-improved successor to the company’s original Invisibility Shield. So, how does it work? Learn here.

My Interview With David Hodges On The Common Sense Show ” Self Assembly Nanotechnology, Mind Control and Spiritual Warfare” – The Common Sense Show, May 8, 2024

This was a very interesting discussion with David Hodges. We discuss the self assembly nanotechnology and the satanic connections to the military. Dave confirms that he interviewed an NSA whistleblower who attested to having been asked to participate in satanic rituals to receive technology secrets from demonic entities. We discuss the war on the human soul and the technological means of hijacking the soul. This is a conversation you do not want to miss! Listen here.

June 1, 1990: George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev Agree to End Production of Chemical Weapons –, June 1, 2024

At a superpowers summit meeting in Washington, D.C., U.S. President George H.W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev sign a historic agreement to end production of chemical weapons and begin the destruction of both nations’ sizable reserves of them. According to the agreement, on-site inspectors from both countries would observe the destruction process. Read more here.

Vermont Cat Earns Honorary Doctorate in ‘Litter-ature’ – upi, May 20, 2024

A cat frequenting the Vermont State University Castleton Campus was awarded “a very special honorary degree” as the school’s first “Doctor of Litter-ature.” The school said on social media that the cat, named Max, lives with his owners on Seminary Street and “has been an affectionate member of the Castleton family for years.” The feline can often be found “socializing with friends outside Leavenworth,” the post said. Read more here,

Chasing Cheese Wheels or Lugging Sacks of Wool, UK Competitors Embrace Quirky Extreme Races – AP News, May 27, 2024

Dairy-loving daredevils threw caution to the wind Monday for one of Britain’s most extreme annual events: Cheese rolling. Cheered by several thousand spectators, scores of reckless racers chased 7-pound (3 kilogram) wheels of Double Gloucester cheese down the near-vertical Cooper’s Hill, near Gloucester in southwest England. The first racer to finish behind the fast-rolling cheese in each race gets to keep it. Read more here.
All polar bears are left-handed.
No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now. ~ Alan Watts ~
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A special thanks to all of you who have sent us interesting links in the past.  If you see something we should know about, do send it along – thanks.
In this talk, John Petersen and friends explore potential future breakthroughs and inventions, emphasizing social, technological, and environmental changes. Topics include political unrest, technological advancements, AI integration, extraterrestrial engagement, and evolving community dynamics, highlighting the need for innovative solutions and collaborative efforts.

Quartet Premium—Breakthroughs and Inventions

News Alert June 4, 2024—Correction