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Volume 25, Number 6 – 3/18/2024

Volume 27, Number 6 – 03/18/2024

Future Facts from Think Links:

Did you know that…



Can We Alter the Trajectories

of the Past to Experience

a Better Future

Saturday, April 6, 2024
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. ET
in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

Click Here for Tickets and More Info
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automatically at check out.
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For over 120 years, humanity has been hybridized and sanitized into acquiescence to social engineers who, with Rockefeller could state, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.”  Rockefeller’s Board Member and Advisor Rev. Frederick Gates encouraged that, “people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand.”  Pouring millions of dollars into NGO’s and foundations, these Machiavellian titans set their sights on creating a world devoid of “undesirables” – those who wouldn’t bend the knee or yield to industry.  From ‘natural’ resources to monetary systems; from social organization to technology; from education to identity, the trajectories set in motion then are at risk of yielding their inhumane fruit in abundance.  By examining the flight of these horrible fantasies, can we alter the course of these inevitabilities and intercept or redirect their energies to forge a better humanity?  In his presentation, Dr. David Martin will take you on a mind-bending tour of the architects’ dreams and offer practical scenarios to form a world in which we put Humanity back into the Human Experience.

Join us April 6th, either in person or via livestream!  All tickets include access to the replay for six months following the original presentation.
Your ability to navigate the rapids ahead is completely dependent upon your degree of understanding about what might be headed this way.
~ Dr. David Martin ~ 

Join us April 6th, 2024, In Person or via Livestream!
Coolfont Resort, 3621 Cold Run Valley Road, Berkeley Springs, WV
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. ET

All tickets include access to the replay for six months, following the original event.

Click Here for Tickets and More Info
Dr. David Martin founded M·CAM® in 1998 and has served as its CEO and Chairman since that time. M·CAM® has been an international intangible asset underwriter and analyst firm spanning work in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance.
Dr. Martin is the developer of several innovation-based quantitative indices of public equities and is the Founder of the Purple Bridge Funds. He managed the Innovation Alpha ETFs (NYSE:INAU; NYSE:INAG; and NYSE:TWAR). He is the creator of the public equity index – the CNBC IQ100 powered by M·CAM® which now is reported as a leading economic indicator for the U.S. and Global Innovation Economy published by The Conference Board.

As a spokesperson for global financial and intangible asset accountability and quality reform, Dr. Martin has worked closely with the United States Congress and numerous trade and financial regulatory agencies in the United States, Europe, and Asia in advocating and deploying infrastructure to support growing reliance on contract and proprietary rights in business transactions. Under the leadership of Dr. Martin, M·CAM® has supported the modernization of banking, intangible asset, tax, and accounting laws through its work with oversight agencies and policy makers. This work included work with the United States Congress, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the United States Departments of the Treasury and Commerce, the European Union and many other countries. Dr. Martin received his undergraduate (BA) from Goshen College, his Masters of Science from Ball State University, and his Doctorate (PhD) from the University of Virginia.

Dr. Martin is a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.


Can We Alter the Trajectories

of the Past to Experience

a Better Future

Saturday, April 6, 2024 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

(All tickets include unlimited access to the replay
for six months!)

Complete information at:

See you there!

Breakthrough AI Tool Predicts Psychosis Before Onset – Tech Times, February 20, 2024

A new artificial intelligence system that predicts the onset of psychosis before it strikes holds the potential to revolutionize early detection in mental health care.

Paranoia, disorganized thinking, hallucinations, or sudden changes are a few among the many ways a psychotic episode can take shape. It has been estimated that over 5% of people will experience a psychosis event at some point in their lifetime. Advances in neuroimaging techniques, like magnetic resonance imaging or MRI, have enabled researchers to examine with greater detail the structural and chemical underpinnings of psychiatric diseases, which were previously less understood. Read more here.

AI-Generated Propaganda Is Just as Persuasive as the Real Thing, Worrying Study Finds – Vice February 21, 2024

Researchers have found that AI-generated propaganda is just as effective as propaganda written by humans, and with a bit of tweaking can be even more persuasive. 

The worrying finding comes as nation-states are testing AI’s usefulness in hacking campaigns and influence operations. OpenAI and Microsoft jointly announced that the governments of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea were using their AI tools for “malicious cyber activities.” This included translation, coding, research, and generating text for phishing attacks. The issue is especially pressing with the upcoming U.S. presidential election just months away. Read more here.

Zuckerberg Boasts He Will Be AI God King Because We Already Gave Him All Our Data – Vice, February 21, 2024

The last several months have been good to Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, as the company revealed on Thursday that its profits tripled year-over-year to $14 billion due to cost-cutting and a rebound in ads. 

Meta plans on investing heavily in its virtual reality and AI products, and on the latter point, Zuckerberg said during an earnings call the company is “playing to win.” AI has become a crowded field very quickly, with Meta facing stiff competition from OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google. Zuckerberg laid out several components to Meta’s AI “playbook,” not least of which is the fact that billions of people around the world have already given up their data in the form of posts, comments, images, and videos across Meta’s platforms, which include Facebook and Instagram. Read more here.

Unholy Deception: AI Robots Clone Voices of Bishops to SCAM Convents in Spain – Natural News, February 28, 2024

Several convents in Spain have been conned into wiring thousands of euros to scammers, who reportedly utilized artificial intelligence (AI) to replicate the voices of religious leaders there.

The Daily Star reported that such schemes have been prevalent in the southern Spanish province of Jaen. According to the Spanish Civil Guard, the law enforcement branch handling crimes in rural areas, up to 15 convents in the province have been targeted by these criminals in the last few weeks. Read more here.

Sen. Johnson’s Senate Panel On The Vaccines Is The Red Pill We’ve All Been Waiting For – ZeroHedge, March 2, 2024

This excellent presentation meticulously breaks down exactly what went awry throughout COVID-19. What everyone needs to know is summarized below…

Ron Johnson has gradually become one of my favorite senators in American history. In 2020, he repeatedly advocated for early COVID-19 treatments to be made available to Americans (which had they been made available would have ended the pandemic). More here.

DEVASTATING: Fully-Vaxxed New Zealand Suffers a Staggering 3000% Spike in Excess Deaths – Substack, November 1, 2023

Devastating leaks from the New Zealand government have revealed that the fully-vaxxed nation has suffered a staggering 3,000 percent spike in excess deaths over the past two years.

Due to strict mandates and heavy government pressure during the Covid pandemic, the vast majority of the New Zealand population is fully vaccinated. More here.

The Most Important Interview in World History – IPE, March 10, 2024

Tucker Carlson Exposes the Fact that the Covid mRNA “vaccines” killed 17 million people and Medical Authorities Continue to Lie and to Cover Up their Lie

Steve Kirsch Has All the Evidence that the Covid vax is a killer and that childhood vaccinations are destroying the health of the population. Watch here.

Parasitic Science and the Unproven Virus – The Reese Report, March 12, 2024

No one has ever isolated a virus. This is admitted by modern science who claim it’s impossible. So instead, they mix it with a soup of other genetic materials, run it through a computer and create what is known as a consensus genome.

The theory that the invisible virus is a lie was put forth nearly thirty years ago by William Bramley in his book, The Gods of Eden, where he outlines thousands of years of human culling events. He points out how during the Black Death, sightings of humans dressed in black and wielding what were described as scythes were seen before an outbreak of the Plague. Bramley suggested that the scythes may have been tools designed to spray poison gas. Denis Rancourt suggests that there has never been a virulent pathogen, including the Bobonic plague, and that these historic mass death events are done deliberately by oppressive systems to maintain population control. If you want to routinely cull the population, then an invisible virus that you cannot see or prove would be the perfect lie. Watch more here.

More Employers Offer Child Care Benefits – Axios, March 10, 2024

A growing number of employers are beefing up workers’ child care benefits — driven by a labor market that gives workers more power and the inordinate difficulty of caregiving.

The big picture: 56% of American companies say they’re prioritizing care benefits in 2024, according to a new survey of C-suite and HR leaders.

  • Child care outranked mental health support, health and fitness discounts, commuter benefits and a range of other perks — and it was the No. 1 priority after basic benefits like health insurance and paid time off.
  • 50% of company leaders said they’re prioritizing senior care benefits, and 25% said the same for pet care.
Why it matters: Read more here.

Airbnb is Banning Indoor Security Cameras: Here’s What it Means for Hosts and Guests – Fast Company, March 12, 2024

Airbnb has announced sweeping changes to its policy on security cameras inside a rental unit. The changes are likely to give guests more peace of mind while at the same time leaving some hosts frustrated that they cannot monitor their property as closely as before.

The new rules go into effect worldwide on April 30, 2024. Read more here.

‘Guardian of Drone’: Chinese Scientists Create New Invisibility Cloak – Interesting Engineering, March, 2024

Experts highlight that it is still extremely difficult to create an aero-amphibious cloak that can manipulate electromagnetic scattering in real-time against dynamic terrain, even after decades of research and the appearance of multiple invisibility cloak prototypes. The numerous challenges include the requirement for complex-amplitude tunable metasurfaces and the lack of intelligent algorithms that can deal with intrinsic problems like incomplete inputs and non-uniqueness.

To address this, the team developed a self-driving, cloaked unmanned drone. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) combines sensing, decision-making, and action smoothly. This is thanks to a special technique that changes how it appears and behaves by adjusting its surface in space and time. This allows it to blend in or stand out in different environments like water, ground, or air. More here.

This Portland Psilocybin Clinic is Designed to Take Magic Mushroom Therapy Mainstream – Fast Company, March 3, 2024

Toward the end of Dee Dee Patterson’s training to become a licensed psilocybin facilitator in Oregon, she took her own hallucinogenic trip. 

A 46-year-old corporate healthcare director from Hood River, Patterson had used psilocybin several times before, but always on her own. And though a psilocybin journey is not required to become a facilitator, many trainees think it’s wise to experience the magic of mushrooms first hand. More here.

USDA Funding “Dangerous Bird Flu Experiments” With Chinese Scientists That Some Fear Could Spark a Whole New Pandemic – Natural News, February 27, 2024

We all know what can go wrong when labs experiment with dangerous pathogens, so why is the U.S. government carrying out bird flu experiments in conjunction with the U.K. and China? That’s the question lawmakers are asking, particularly because taxpayers are footing the $1 million bill.

The project was made possible by a $1 million grant from the Biden administration for lab virology experiments exploring the strains of the avian influenza virus that are believed to pose the biggest risk to human and avian populations. It runs through March 2026. Read more here.

‘Bad News’ for Humanity: A Critical Climate System Could Collapse Sooner Than We Thought – Vice, February 12, 2024

We’re on track towards a “cliff-like” tipping point where Atlantic Ocean currents abruptly shut down, according to a study published Friday in Science Advances. Once this tipping point is reached, it will have a massive impact on the global climate, including potentially plunging large parts of Europe into a deep freeze and significantly altering the Amazon rainforest’s ecosystem. Read more here.

This Recycling Robot is Saving Millions of Bottles from the Landfill – Fast Company, March 6, 2024

If you throw a plastic water bottle or yogurt cup in a recycling bin, it might not necessarily be recycled.

Inside sprawling warehouses that the industry calls “MRFs” or materials recovery facilities, machines and workers often sort through hundreds of tons of waste a day. The process is imperfect, and valuable recyclables can often get missed and accidentally sent to the landfill. A bale of one type of plastic might also be mixed with other materials, making it less valuable when it’s sold to another company to be shredded, melted, and ultimately recycled. In some cases, a bale of materials might be so “contaminated” that a recycler rejects it completely, and it also ends up in the trash. More here.

Study Finds Electric Vehicles Pollute the Environment 1,850 Times More Than Gas-Powered Cars – Natural News, March 12, 2024

A study has found that electric vehicles pollute the environment at least 1,850 times more than their fossil fuel-based counterparts. The 2022 study from the United Kingdom-based independent global emissions testing and research firm Emissions Analytics found that, during a 1,000-mile journey, EVs release 1,850 times more pollutants into the environment than their gas-powered counterparts due to the heavier weight that eats through the tires of EVs.

When discussing emissions, most would only consider the smoke and other pollutants belched by cars from their exhaust. But tire wear also plays a significant role in emitting pollutants. The synthetic rubber used to create tires includes certain chemicals that get released into the air, and EVs are significantly heavier than conventional cars due to their massive lithium batteries. More here.

Global Warming Data Grossly Exaggerated in Most Climate Models, Research Finds – Natural News, February 27, 2024

They say the science is “settled” on climate change, but is this actually true? New research from The Heritage Foundation provides compelling evidence to suggest that most climate models and associated data depict grossly exaggerated scenarios that have almost no chance of ever coming to fruition, no matter the scare tactics used to push them.

Over the past 50 years, there has been a tiny bit of warming, you might say, as the climate is always changing. Weather is always in flux, ebbing and flowing upwards and downwards with the changing seasons. With that in mind, climate data as it currently exists is hardly alarming when looking at it honestly without the usual climate paranoia. Read more here.

Government Developing AI-Powered Surveillance Program That can Keep an Eye on People in Smart Cities – Natural News, March 1, 2024

The government is working on a new system to enable the identification and tracking of individuals and motor vehicles through different video sources.

Established in 2006, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is an organization within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The information that it gathers is supposedly meant to help the work of the United States’ intelligence community. Read more here.

Preparedness and Survival: Ways to Communicate After a Disaster if Cell Phones Don’t Work – Natural News, March 1, 2024

Here are some “older” and practical options you can consider having in your prepper inventory to stay informed and be able to communicate with others during emergencies or disasters – especially if your cell phones don’t work.

It is worth mentioning  that our Mr John L. Petersen is very actively involved with the Morgan Country Office of Emergency Services which helps with last resort connection and communication with the outside world in the event of a catastrophe that may block out internet and cellular services. They offer services to first responders using a very sophisticated mobile emergency communication unit and he is very much invested in the Amateur Radio Project. For “older” and practical options of communications if all else fails, read more here.

The Obscene Energy Demands of A.I. – The New Yorker, March 9, 2024

In 2016, Alex de Vries read somewhere that a single bitcoin transaction consumes as much energy as the average American household uses in a day. At the time, de Vries, who is Dutch, was working at a consulting firm. In his spare time, he wrote a blog, called Digiconomist, about the risks of investing in cryptocurrency. He found the energy-use figure disturbing. More here.

Scientists Claim AI Breakthrough to Generate Boundless Clean Fusion Energy – Vice, February 21, 2024

There are many stumbling blocks on the racetrack to nuclear fusion, the reaction at the core of the sun that combines atoms to make energy: Generating more energy than it takes to power the reactors, developing reactor-proof building materials, keeping the reactor free from impurities, and restraining that fuel within it, to name a few. 

Now, researchers from Princeton University and its Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory have developed an AI model that could solve that last problem. This model predicts, and then figures out how to avoid, plasma becoming unstable and escaping the strong magnetic fields that hold it inside certain donut-shaped reactors. Read more here.

Classic Classroom Toy Inspires Scientists to Build Electricity Generator – Interesting Engineering, March 14, 2024

Inspired by a science toy, researchers in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China, have developed an electricity generator that uses water as fuel. The device converts energy from evaporated water into electricity that can power small electronic devices. Watch how it works here.

Government Makes Mandatory Installation of Sensors on Bridges, Monitor Their Real Time Health – ET Auto, March 6, 2024

Road transport and highways ministry has made it mandatory to install sensors on bridges, including gadgets to detect corrosion, and monitor their real time health.

The Ministry issued its guidelines for identification and implementation of real-time health monitoring of bridges using sensors to all agencies involved in the development and management of NH stretches. It said condition assessment of bridges is important for carrying out preventive maintenance and repair, rehabilitation, retrofitting or reconstruction of such structures in time to avoid traffic disruptions and untoward incidents due to “failure” of bridges. Read more here.

‘Laser Scarecrows’ are a 21st-Century Solution to an Ancient Problem – Debrief, January 4, 2024

Scientists have created a new weapon for fighting crop-damaging birds: a technology they are calling ‘Laser Scarecrows.’

Unlike conventional methods for protecting crops from invasive birds, this high-tech, non-lethal option is highly effective and less expensive than current options. Read more here.

Mixing Up Root Microbes Can Boost Tea’s Flavor – Science News, February 15, 2024

Researchers may have gotten to the root of tea’s soothing effect.

The quality of a cup of chai can be enriched by modifying the microbial community that populates the plant’s roots, researchers report. The secret is to inoculate roots with bacteria that boost the synthesis of the amino acid theanine. Read more here.

International Israeli Sales Event of Palestinian Land – The Reese Report, March 5, 2024

Israel’s war crimes, funded and supported by the United States, are being witnessed all over the world. Several nations are demanding a cease fire, but Netanyahu rejects all of it. Israel unabashedly believes they are the superior race of God’s chosen people, and that genocide is their birth right.

Israeli soldiers are boasting about the women they’ve murdered and pillaged. And they are posing in the beds of dead Palestinian children, and babies, who they’ve slaughtered. And now Jews in Canada and the US are saying that the genocidal state of Israel is selling Real Estate that they’ve stolen from Palestinians in synagogues across the world. Read more here.

CIA  Admits To Instigating War With Russia – The Reese Report, March 1, 2024

Vladimir Putin:
I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but the politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.

See CIA’s response here.

Palestinians Fear Israeli Violence in Jerusalem During Ramadan – Aljazeera, March 10, 2024

The mood in occupied East Jerusalem is tense as the city’s Palestinians prepare for Islam’s holy month of Ramadan. From dawn to sunset, Ramadan requires practising Muslims to abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual relations before they break their fast with friends, family and communities.

But the Palestinians who spoke to Al Jazeera say they are too depressed to hang up decorations or engage in festivities. Many are just praying for a ceasefire in Gaza, where more than 31,000 people have been killed by Israel in retaliation for a deadly attack on Israeli civilians and military outposts by the Qassam Brigades and other Palestinian armed fighters on October 7. Read more here.

Will Israel be Allowed to Continue its Gaza Starvation Strategy? – Aljazeera, March 10, 2024

US Senator Chris Van Hollen says it is time for the Biden administration to tell Israel, “If you continue to ignore us, there will be consequences.” Senator Van Hollen, who is one of seven senators (out of 100) to have called for a permanent ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza, tells host Steve Clemons that Hamas’s surprise attack last year “does not justify the humanitarian catastrophe that we’re witnessing in Gaza”.

The Democratic senator from Maryland said that the United States has to use “all the levers of our power and influence” to allow more aid to get to starving Palestinians. More here.

Texas Wild Fires and Directed Energy Weapons – The Reese Report, March 15, 2024

Some are saying that Directed Energy Weapons are being deployed to spark the largest fire in Texas history. And we know that these weapons exist. The fires we have seen in recent years, including the fires in Texas, are very different from what we have seen in the past. They often selectively spare the trees while burning the infrastructure into a powdery ash footprint.

A newly released footage shows the Dragon-Fire laser directed energy weapon system in action. And it could be in the hands of military personnel in five years time. It destroys targets with an intense beam of light and has pinpoint accuracy. It’s able to hit something the size of a £1 coin from a kilometer away. Read more here.

How the Government Used ‘Track F’ to Fund Censorship Tools: Report – The Epoch Times, March 2, 2024

Officials from the National Science Foundation tried to conceal the spending of millions of taxpayer dollars on research and development for artificial intelligence tools used to censor political speech and influence the outcome of elections, according to a new congressional report.

The report looking into the National Science Foundation (NSF) is the latest addition to a growing body of evidence that critics claim shows that federal officials—especially at the FBI and CIA—are creating a “censorship-industrial complex” to monitor U.S. public expression and suppress speech disfavored by the government. More here.

DNA Crime Labs Exposed as COMPLETE FRAUDS, Used by Government to Convict INNOCENT People in the Name of “Science” – Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 8, 2024

We have two bombshell stories to share with you. First, the WSJ has blown the whistle on DNA crime labs now being exposed as total frauds. Used by police and governments to convict innocent people, these crime labs altered DNA data to generate “guilty” verdicts.

The entire field of PCR-based DNA testing is a total fraud, as is much of the field of virology. “Expert” witnesses try to bamboozle people with confusing-sounding science, but it all falls apart at the slightest bit of scrutiny. Watch here.

Kiriakou on the Threat to Journalism – Consortium News, March 6, 2024

C.I.A. whistleblower John Kiriakou told the Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney, Australia  that the threat to Julian Assange is a threat to every national security reporter. 

John was a C.I.A. analyst who revealed and more significantly, confirmed rumors of the US torture program, in particular the waterboarding techniques, virtual drowning of interrogation subjects. He was the first insider to do that. Could you imagine crossing that threshold to reveal something like that, knowing the semi-trailer that’s coming your way? More here.

Assange & the Sickness of US Prisons – Consortium News, March 14, 2024

any of us nervously await news from the High Court of England and Wales on the fate of Julian Assange, hoping against hope that he won’t be extradited to the United States.  At the same time, we’re preparing for the worst.

Julian has well-documented medical problems, including a small stroke while incarcerated two years ago.  He has consistently received subpar medical care at Belmarsh Prison in the U.K.  If anything, that will worsen once he arrives in the United States. More here.

Treason Could Mean Life Sentence Under New Hong Kong National Security Law – The Guardian, March 8, 2024

Hong Kong’s government has released the draft text of a new national security law that would further tighten control on the city and bring its laws closer in line with mainland China. The law, known as Article 23, is a domestic piece of legislation defining and penalising crimes related to national security.

The draft proposes sentences of up to life in prison for some crimes including insurrection and treason, and lengthens allowable periods of detention without charge from 48 hours to two weeks. Read more here.

Exorcist Calls for ‘Spiritual Warfare’ as ‘Rise in Evil’ Causes Exorcisms to Take Twice as Long as 50 Years Ago – SOTT, February 5, 2024

Father Chad Ripperger, a Catholic priest and longtime exorcist, is sounding the alarm over a rise in “demonic oppression” while rallying the faithful to become “saints” by confronting the dark forces. Father Ripperger warned of the rise in demonic elements last week during a one-hour talk at the famous St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. While the levels of demonic possession, one of the most severe forms of demonic activity, have remained relatively steady in recent years, Father Ripperger stressed that other forms of demonic activity, such as demonic obsession and oppression, are on the rise.

The cause of this dramatic increase in demonic activity, according to Father Reppinger, stems from the large number of people doing “evil things” and a decrease in holiness among the faithful. Read more here.

Boys Experience Depression Differently Than Girls. Here’s Why That Matters – Science News, March 3, 2024

Teenagers in the United States are in crisis. That news got hammered home following the release of a nationally representative survey showing that over half of high school girls reported persistent feelings of “sadness or hopelessness” — common words used to screen for depression. Almost a third of teenage boys reported those same feelings.

“No one is doing well,” says psychologist Kathleen Ethier. She heads the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Adolescent and School Health, which has overseen this biennial Youth Risk Behavior Survey since 1991. Read more here.

Remote Viewing of the Rapture Ascension Event – The Reese Report, March 8, 2024

Remote Viewing is the military term for viewing a target with the mind’s eye. Remote Viewings are conducted under double blind conditions. Meaning that the target assigner and the viewers are unaware of what they are viewing. They are simply given an arbitrary number.

The Future Forecasting Group was recently given the target number H506-B3T9. That was the only information they had. It was only after the viewing that they learned what the target was. Read more here.

Concerns Grow Over UFO Pushback Effort, While Whistleblowers Remain Silenced – SOTT, February 27, 2024

Observers are increasingly apprehensive as the former Director, currently serving as a consultant to America’s Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) office, seems to be taking on the role of its shadow spokesperson, bypassing established communication protocols within the Department of Defense (DoD).

Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, now an unpaid consultant to the UAP office, located within the DoD known as the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), recently informed New York Post journalist Steven Greenstreet that a forthcoming historical report on UAP would likely be made public “before the State of the Union.”  Read more here.

Here Comes the Sun, the Eclipsed Version – Science News, March 3, 2024

Before modern astronomers and mathematicians figured out how to accurately predict solar eclipses, the extinction of the sun sparked terror. The god Zeus turned midday into night, the ancient Greek poet Archilochus wrote of a 647 B.C. eclipse, “and sore fear came upon men.” Thanks to science, we can now skip the fear and go straight to awe. And on April 8, millions of people across North America will be treated to an awe-inspiring view. Read more here.

A New Space Race is Taking Shape as Sovereign and Newer Satellites Compete for World Domination – Fortune, March 8, 2024

In 2024, tensions in space are poised to reach boiling point as the sector continues to expand. In recent years space has become increasingly dominated by a handful of newer upstart companies notably SpaceX and Project Kuiper. 5,000 Starlink satellites, all operated by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, offer internet coverage to over 70 countries, and it is set to expand further in 2024. Project Kuiper, an Amazon initiative, aims to rival Starlink with a 3,236-strong satellite constellation designed to provide low-latency broadband globally. By 2029, it hopes to double the average broadband speed for U.S. consumers. Read more here.

Next Generation Blue Light LED Could Promote Sleepiness or Wakefulness on Demand – Debrief, January 11, 2024

Since the invention of the light bulb, humans have increasingly moved away from the natural rhythms of night and day offered by the rising and falling of the sun. While this change has opened up more hours for work, family, and recreation, it also goes against hundreds of thousands of years of evolution tied to the natural cycle of night and day.

In recent decades, this situation has become even more pronounced, with modern electronics increasingly ubiquitous in the developed world. As a result, the disconnect from the day-night cycle of the sun caused by nighttime light sources has become even more pronounced due to the effects of blue light sources like TVs, phones, and computer screens on melatonin levels in the human brain. Read more here.

Why Embedded Finance Will Accelerate in 2024 – Fast Company, March 11, 2024

Last year, Mastercard and the tech platform provider Fabrick announced an expanded strategic partnership to develop embedded-finance solutions for businesses across Europe. The deal will enable companies to integrate financial services directly into their products through application protocol interfaces (APIs), allowing them to provide payment, banking, and insurance services without the need to build their own proprietary financial infrastructure.

The embedded-finance use cases enabled by APIs are almost endless. For example, they can enable healthcare providers to offer out-of-pocket payment options to patients right on the provider’s own website. Retail businesses of just about any type can offer loans to consumers without the need for them to leave the original website where they’re shopping, making the customer journey easier and increasing the likelihood of future purchases. Read more here.

As Bitcoin Soars, AI-Related Cryptos are Quickly Gaining Value – Fast Company March 11, 2024

Bitcoin is getting a lot of attention lately, hitting new all-time highs as it crossed $72,000 on March 11, 2024 But another area of the crypto world is gaining ground nearly as fast. Artificial intelligence-related tokens, like all things AI, are red hot. In mid-February, the category had a market cap of just under $10 billion. As of midday Monday March 11, 2024, that stood at just over $27 billion. Read more here.

Why Does the US Act as Israel’s Lawyer? – Aljazeera, January 18, 2024

Former US diplomat Aaron David Miller says prospects for a ‘conflict-ending solution’ have entered ‘a long, dark tunnel’. President Joe Biden’s failure to demonstrate the same regard and sympathy for Palestinian suffering as he has shown Israel has turned the United States into “Israel’s lawyer,” says former US State Department official Aaron David Miller.

Miller tells host Steve Clemons that Israel has lost the Western perception of being David in the story of “David v Goliath,” and its image will be further damaged the more its people veer to the right. Watch here.

British Health Officials’ Absurd Claim That Trans People’s “Milk” is as Healthy as Breast Milk Debunked by Experts – Natural News, February 27, 2024

The University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust in the UK is being criticized for its absurd claim that the drug-induced secretions from the nipples of men who have transitioned to become women is somehow just as good as a mother’s natural breast milk for babies.

Biological men who want the experience of lactation need to take hormones that help them grow milk glands, and then they must take high doses of chemicals that can help them stimulate milk production, such as metoclopramide or domperidone. These drugs are not approved for this purpose, but they are sometimes prescribed off label in some countries to women who are struggling with breastfeeding. However, domperidone is banned in the U.S. because it can affect the heart of a breastfed baby, something that is clearly stated in the medication’s packaging insert. Read more here.
FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH – articles off the beaten track which may – or may not – have predictive value.

What is Loosh? – The Ethical Skeptic, November 25, 2023

Faith is the absence of loosh. Faith is the refusal to wallow in its addiction. The act of faithfulness itself involves a deliberate abstention from a specific set of logical conditions. This broaches the question: What therefore, is ‘loosh’?

Loosh is the flow of intoxicating energy from an ignorant, abused, and captive source. That source is us. It serves to produce a spiritual insanity in its abuser, anesthetizing and blinding them to their own encroaching darkness. Darkness will dark; it cannot help itself. For these, there is no such thing as free will. More here.

What is Dysinformation? – The Ethical Skeptic, February 2, 2024

Dystopian Disinformation is a special form of disinformation (lying with facts or mostly-truths) pushed thru churnalism, consensussing, and propaganda – employed to prepare a collective awareness or mass formation paradigm in advance – to comfortably explain a future calamity or adverse spiral of events. More here

New High-Speed Microscale 3D Printing Technique – Stanford News, March 13, 2024

3D-printed microscopic particles, so small that to the naked eye they look like dust, have applications in drug and vaccine delivery, microelectronics, microfluidics, and abrasives for intricate manufacturing. However, the need for precise coordination between light delivery, stage movement, and resin properties makes scalable fabrication of such custom microscale particles challenging. Now, researchers at Stanford University have introduced a more efficient processing technique that can print up to 1 million highly detailed and customizable microscale particles a day. More here.

1926: The World’s First Liquid-Fueled Rocket was Launched – European Space Agency, March 16 2024

On March 16, 1926, Robert Goddard, an American scientist and college professor, launched the world’s first liquid-fueled rocket on a farm in Auburn, Massachusetts. The rocket, which was 3 meters long and weighed 4.5 kilograms, was powered by liquid oxygen and gasoline. It reached an altitude of 41 feet (12.5 meters) in 2.5 seconds and landed 184 feet (56 meters) away. More here.

Burger King Worker Who Didn’t Miss a Day of Work in 27 Years Buys Home With Crowdfunding Donations – Today, January 4, 2024

“I know it’s not a mansion, but it’s mine.” “It feels so great to be independent,” says Kevin Ford, who has received nearly $450,000 from donors after going viral last year. Watch video here.
Sharks have a tongue referred to as a “basihyal”. The basihyal is a small, thick piece of cartilage located on the floor of the mouth of sharks and other fishes. It appears to be useless for most sharks with the exception of the cookiecutter shark.
Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Nature and the New Human - PostScript Insight with John L. Petersen

PostScript Insights – Nature and the New Human

The big strategy: off-planet control. PostScript Insight

PostScript Insights – The Big Strategy: Off-Planet Control