
Volume 27, Number 15 – 08/01/2024

FUTUREdition Volume 27, Number 15
Volume 27, Number 15 - 08/01/2024

Future Facts from Think Links:

Did you know that...




Nurse By Day,

ET Spacecraft Pilot By Night

Symmetry: The Journey,
A Presentation by Dolly Safran, Contactee

Saturday, August 17, 2024
1:00 - 5:00 p.m. ET
in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

Click Here for Tickets and More Info
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automatically at check out.
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Dolly Safran is a fully conscious contactee since the age of fourteen, with full awareness of her extraterrestrial experiences. Her experiences began at the age of ten months, but she did not fully understand what was happening to her.

In this presentation, Dolly will be bringing you a contiguous progression of events that relate to her being a pilot, and learning from ET’s that which she had to know to bring forth their messages. That includes a lifetime of classroom events, including on their home-world and on their craft. When not with ET’s, Dolly mirrored her education with nursing, biology, mathematics, astronomy, zoology, survival techniques – while living a dual life, one on Earth, one with ET’s.

Dolly’s immersion into the ET civilization, their habits, their lifestyle, their philosophy, morality and ethics made her who she is. Her father was her principal guide and teacher at home, and Tlera (the entity who embodies the craft) is her guide and counselor while with the ET’s.

Dolly will share different types of craft, of medical facilities they have for humans, and why all of this is happening. She will explain humanity’s relationship to ET’s. Prepare for a journey.

Join us August 17th, either in person or via livestream!  All tickets include access to the replay for six months following the original presentation.

In January 1973, fourteen-year-old Dolly Safran gazed out the window of her home near the Florida Everglades. Without warning, a UFO dropped from the sky and hovered in her backyard. To her shock, Dolly could see thin, gray-skinned figures with large dark eyes staring back at her. Frightened, she dived under her bed to hide. At that moment, her bedroom filled with a blazing blue light. The next thing she knew, morning had arrived. She was lying on the floor wearing somebody else’s pajamas. She had been taken, again.
Excerpt from Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure

Join us August 17th, 2024, In Person or via Livestream!
Coolfont Resort, 3621 Cold Run Valley Road, Berkeley Springs, WV
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. ET

All tickets include access to the replay for six months, following the original event.

Click Here for Tickets and More Info
Dolly Safran began her life journey already a generational contactee. Her father, an Airborne Ranger in the US Army, was also a contactee from an early age. Growing up was challenging for Dolly as occurrences of disappearing from her home, psychic phenomena and unseen friends caused anxiety for her mother.

Until the age of 14, Dolly’s memories were not fluid. She knew strange things were happening, but could not connect reality to them. It took a huge push to fight for her conscious recall to remain intact. After gaining awareness, her life took on purpose. Nursing began her journey. Then she began serving as a civilian worker in the US Department of the Treasury, and also in the Army as a Department of Defense employee.

Life changed those trajectories suddenly, and she was happy to become a zookeeper and an Animal Baby Momma for a private zoo and sanctuary in Florida. All while being taught by and working with ETs. Dolly’s decision to break her silence is now an imperative for her.




Nurse By Day,

ET Spacecraft Pilot By Night

Symmetry: The Journey,

A Presentation by Dolly Safran, Contactee

Saturday, August 17, 2024 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

(All tickets include unlimited access to the replay
for six months!)

Complete information at:

See you there!

Development of 'Living Robots' Needs Regulation and Public Debate - Science Daily, July 22, 2024

Researchers are calling for regulation to guide the responsible and ethical development of bio-hybrid robotics -- a ground-breaking science which fuses artificial components with living tissue and cells. In a paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences a multidisciplinary team from the University of Southampton and universities in the US and Spain set out the unique ethical issues this technology presents and the need for proper governance.

Combining living materials and organisms with synthetic robotic components might sound like something out of science fiction, but this emerging field is advancing rapidly. Bio-hybrid robots using living muscles can crawl, swim, grip, pump, and sense their surroundings. Sensors made from sensory cells or insect antennae have improved chemical sensing. Living neurons have even been used to control mobile robots. Read more here.

Things Are About to Become Wild - Telegram, July 26, 2024

AI can now give you full control over your character's facial movements in a video in real-time. Read more here.

Scientists Develop New Artificial Intelligence Method to Create Material 'Fingerprints' - Science Daily, July 16, 2024

Like people, materials evolve over time. They also behave differently when they are stressed and relaxed. Scientists looking to measure the dynamics of how materials change have developed a new technique that leverages X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

This technique creates "fingerprints" of different materials that can be read and analyzed by a neural network to yield new information that scientists previously could not access. A neural network is a computer model that makes decisions in a manner similar to the human brain. Read more here.

Covid-19 Shots Were Not Owned or Made by Pfizer or Moderna But By The NIH and the U.S. Military - Telegram, July 27, 2024

The Covid "vaccines" were owned by the NIH and made by the military. Pfizer and Moderna were paid to make it appear like it came from the pharmaceutical industry.

The top military organization producing them was actually the NSA, and the Pentagon, not the NIH, Moderna or Pfizer, say RFK Jr. They just put their label on it to make it look like it was a product from a pharmaceutical company. More here.

Stop Poisoning the Children! - Rumble, July 24, 2024

Listen to this before you take your kids back to school. Consider this an emergency broadcast. More here

Why is There a Media Blackout of U.S. DoD Anti-Vax Propaganda Program Targeting Philippines? - Experimental Vaccines, July 24, 2024

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has been caught in a web of deception, targeting countries like the Philippines with anti-vaccine propaganda. This scandal, uncovered by Reuters and further chronicled by FAIR, reveals a disturbing narrative. Why would the U.S. military, amidst a global pandemic, engage in such clandestine operations? More here.

New Breakthrough Blood Testing Technology Can Accurately Diagnose Alzheimer's in 90% of Dementia - SOTT, July 30, 2024

Scientists believe Alzheimer's is likely to be the result of abnormal build-up of proteins amyloid and tau in and around brain cells. New blood tests could help doctors diagnose Alzheimer's disease faster and more accurately, a recent study revealed.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia and affects 6.7 million Americans. With the aging population booming in the US, that number is expected to grow to 13 million by 2050. A study of 1,213 patients in Sweden between February 2020 and January 2024 published on Sunday found blood tests that focus on a form of a protein called tau was far more accurate at diagnosing the disease than doctors alone. Read more here,

Scientists Report Potential ‘Anti-Aging’ Breakthrough - RT, July 18, 2024

A team of scientists may have found a way to stave off aging, according to a study published in British science journal Nature on Wednesday.

During a trial on mice, a team lead by researchers from Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore and Imperial College London found that blocking a protein called interleukin-11 (IL-11) extended the lifespan of the mammals and prevented health conditions associated with aging. It was discovered that with age, the body’s organs produce increasing levels of IL-11, which, in turn, promotes fat accumulation, muscle mass loss, hair loss, and cancer. More here.

Your Brain on Shrooms: How Psilocybin Resets Neural Networks - Nature, July 17, 2024

Taking psilocybin, the hallucinogenic compound found in magic mushrooms, temporarily resets entire networks of neurons in the brain that are responsible for controlling a person’s sense of time and self, finds a study that repeatedly imaged the brains of seven volunteers before, during and after they took a massive dose of the drug.

The findings, published in Nature on 17 July, could offer insights into why the compound might have a therapeutic effect against some neurological conditions. More here.

With CO2 Levels Rising, World’s Drylands Are Turning Green - Yale E360, July 16, 2024

Despite warnings that climate change would create widespread desertification, many drylands are getting greener because of increased CO2 in the air — a trend that recent studies indicate will continue. But scientists warn this added vegetation may soak up scarce water supplies.

Southeast Australia has been getting hotter and drier. Droughts have lengthened, and temperatures regularly soar above 95 degrees F (35 degrees C). Bush fires abound. But somehow, its woodlands keep growing. One of the more extreme and volatile ecosystems on the planet is defying meteorology and becoming greener. And Australia is far from alone. From Africa’s Sahel to arid western India, and the deserts of northern China to southern Africa, the story is the same. “Greening is happening in most of the drylands globally, despite increasing aridity,” says Jason Evans, a water-cycle researcher at the Climate Change Research Centre of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.

What is going on?  More here.

Robotics: Self-Powered 'Bugs' Can Skim Across Water to Detect Environmental Data - Science Daily, July 29, 2024

Researchers at Binghamton University, State University of New York have developed a self-powered "bug" that can skim across the water, and they hope it will revolutionize aquatic robotics.

Futurists predict that more than one trillion autonomous nodes will be integrated into all human activities by 2035 as part of the "internet of things." Soon, pretty much any object big or small will feed information to a central database without the need for human involvement. Making this idea tricky is that 71% of the Earth's surface is covered in water, and aquatic environments pose critical environmental and logistical issues. To consider these challenges, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has started a program called the Ocean of Things. Read more here.

Download the 2024 Technology Megatrends Report - Engage, July, 2024

A megatrend has an impact on the evolution of multiple trends of worldwide importance.

Technology megatrends are intertwined with economic, ecological, and social megatrends and, because megatrends may evolve over a 20-year or longer timeframe, the report describes an ensemble of technologies within each of the three megatrends. Download here.

New Material Turns Sunlight, Water into Green Hydrogen with Increased Efficiency - Interesting Engineering, July 22, 2024

A new material that converts sunlight and water into clean energy has been developed by scientists. The photocatalyst created by researchers at Oregon State University enables the high-speed, high-efficiency production of hydrogen.

The collaboration led by Kyriakos Stylianou of the OSU College of Science represented the potential new tool to use against greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Stylianou’s research focuses on crystalline, porous materials known as metal organic frameworks, usually abbreviated as MOFs. Read more here.

Embraer Unveils Historic World-1st Auto Takeoff System for Passenger Planes - Interesting Engineering, July 25, 2024

In a first in the aviation industry, Embraer has introduced an automatic takeoff system on one of its commercial jets. The Embraer Enhanced Takeoff System (E2TS) system is designed to provide its E2 passenger aircraft with an optimal profile and automated takeoff. This allows for increased fuel capacity, which extends the range and boosts the onboard payload.

The Brazilian manufacturer’s design claims to improve rotation and trajectory, reduce field length, and lessen pilot workload. Other than a software update, no aircraft modifications are required. Read more here.

Sky Drift: Boeing’s Pilotless Air Taxi Could Take Passenger Flight by 2030 - IE, July 22, 2024

Once a fanciful concept limited to the popular animated world of The Jetsons in the 1960s, the age of flying cars is now looming over our current reality. Where George Jetson once soared through a cartoonish metropolis, humans now stand on the brink of a reality where such futuristic transportation is no longer confined to the realm of imagination.

US-headquartered Boeing is at the forefront of bringing this imagination to reality, and it has ambitious plans to begin carrying passengers’ later in the decade.’ Read more here.

NANNY VEHICLES: New Cars in Europe to Automatically Reduce Engine Power if Driver is Speeding - Natural News, July 30, 2024

The surveillance state is expanding in Europe after new rules came into effect on July 7, 2024, that force automobile manufacturers to control how fast people are allowed to drive their own new cars. 

From now on, all new cars sold in Europe must be outfitted with Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) systems that automatically limit vehicle speeds to match legal limits. A massive network of GPS and cameras will ensure compliance. "The system alerts drivers to slow down and can reduce engine power if limits are exceeded," reported Great Game India about the change, noting that it was hatched by European Union (EU) leaders, many of whom are unelected. Read more here.

Bureaucrats Slaughter Millions of Chickens Amid “Bird Flu” Fakedemic - Natural News, July 22, 2024

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is spreading fear by declaring an "emergency disaster" in response to reports about the alleged spread of highly pathogenic bird flu in northeastern Weld County. Polis "verbally" declared the disaster after "an avian flu outbreak in a commercial poultry facility in Weld County," reads an official statement from Polis' office on July 8. The statement does not name the facility that was allegedly impacted by H5N1.

The emergency disaster declaration allows Polis and his regime to use emergency powers to "take all necessary and appropriate state actions to assist with response, recovery, and mitigation efforts." The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) confirmed that 1.78 million chickens were "impacted" by the bird flu strain, which of course means that the food fowl were slaughtered to keep everyone "safe." More here.

UK in Grip of Top Down Starvation Policy - Global Research, July 29, 2024

After three months of relentless rain from March to the end of May 2024 covering much of the productive land in the UK, farmers found themselves months behind getting their Spring crops in the soil. Many of these farms are already suffering a dangerous nutrient deficit; soils depleted after four to five decades of agrichemically dependent monocultural mining operations that have reduced the top six inches of soils – normally alive with microscopic insects and worms – to little more than dead matter entirely dependent on synthetic nitrate fertilisers and toxic pesticides to grow anything other than weeds.

But these chemical inputs are becoming increasingly expensive and coupled with yields that are no longer sufficient to bring in profits, a large proportion of commercial UK arable farmers are on the edge of bankruptcy. Government subsidies have kept them afloat up till now, but that is changing. Now the payment emphasis is on ‘increasing biodiversity’ by introducing nature friendly schemes on farms largely devoid of such features. A good thing, you might say, but land taken out of food production means more food has to be imported from somewhere else in the world. A food security issue is looming. ‘Food security’ means following an agricultural policy which ensures that a nation state is broadly capable of feeding its own people. Read more here.

While Congress Fetes a Genocidal Maniac, Israeli Airstrike Hits a School Shelter Killing at Least 30 - SOTT, July 27, 2024

The planned strike comes a day before officials from the U.S., Egypt, Qatar and Israel are scheduled to meet in Italy to discuss the ongoing hostage and cease-fire negotiations. Israeli airstrikes hit a school being used by displaced people in central Gaza on Saturday, killing dozens of people, as the country's negotiators prepared to meet international mediators to discuss a proposed cease-fire.

At least 30 people sheltering at a girls' school in Deir Al-Balah were taken to Al Aqsa Hospital and pronounced dead after a strike that Israel's military said targeted a Hamas command and control center used to store weapons and plan attacks. More here.

NATO States Tell Citizens to Leave Lebanon - SOTT, July 29, 2024

Israel and the militant group Hezbollah are on the brink of a full-blown war. Several NATO members including the US have issued travel warnings for Lebanon, urging their citizens to immediately leave the country in the face of a potential full-blown war between Israel and the pro-Palestinian armed group Hezbollah.

Tensions rapidly escalated on Saturday when a rocket strike killed 12 children in the Druze city of Majdan Shams, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said the projectile was an Iranian-made Falaq-1 rocket fired by Hezbollah from southern Lebanon. The militants, however, denied any involvement in the strike. The US Embassy released a travel notice on Saturday, urging Americans to "strongly reconsider travel to Lebanon." Read more here.

Putin Issues Warning of 'Reciprocal Response' to US Placing Missiles in Germany - SOTT, July 28, 2024

The Russian president has accused the West of clinging to a Cold War mentality. Russia will consider itself free from a moratorium on the deployment of medium and shorter-range missiles if the US places missiles in Germany, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said in an address to sailors at the Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg.

Earlier this month, the US and Germany announced plans to deploy long-range precision missile systems in Europe. According to a joint US-German press release dated July 10, the US "will begin episodic deployments of the long-range fires capabilities of its Multi-Domain Task Force in Germany in 2026." Putin called this announcement "noteworthy," as such a deployment will put important Russian state and military facilities, administrative and industrial centers, as well as defense infrastructure within the reach of the weapons. He noted that the flight time of such missiles to targets on Russian territory would be about ten minutes, and that they could also be equipped with nuclear warheads. Read more here.

Chris Hedges: Q&A on 2024 Election - Scheerpost, July 29, 2024

Watch independent journalist Chris Hedges, take and answer questions on the 2024 Elections here.

Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities with Chemtrails - Forbidden News, July 2, 2024

We have all seen the freakish and unnatural Chemtrail patterns in the skies above major cities and regional centers. While the mainstream media attempts to convince the public that there's nothing to see here, these freakish geometric Chemtrails do not fit into any natural cloud pattern and they have only begun appearing in recent decades.Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities with Chemtrails

What are they spraying into the sky? Who's doing it? Why are they doing it? And what's their motives? Most importantly, what can we the people do to put an end to this? According to commercial pilots who've been investigating the phenomenon, the answers to these questions are dark and disturbing, and the paper trail exposes the depopulation agenda of the global elite. More here.

The World of the Future -, July 17, 2024

The world faces several levels of Great Replacements, which will seriously degrade most of it, except for the East Asian countries of Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

More than 50% of Americans under eighteen are of non-European origin. Even if the USA were to end all immigration and stop the influx of refugees from its southern border, it would still become a non-European majority nation in just over a decade. This will only be a landmark, a point of no return. The inflection point, the swing vote from imported Third World cultures, however, started shifting the USA to increasing leftism, wokeism, and erratic foreign policy many decades ago. The rest of the Western world, including Canada, is only a few steps behind the USA in becoming ethnically non-European majority countries. While institutions take time to change, the Western ones will increasingly resemble those of the Third World over time. More here.

Extraordinary Events Taking Place in America - SOTT, July 23, 2024

The beltway is abuzz with some of the wildest rumors imaginable. 'Is Joe Biden even alive?' is whispered through the storied halls of the capitol. The unelected despot-in-chief seemingly renounced his election campaign via suspicious Twitter note on a lazy Sunday afternoon, after which he hasn't been seen or heard from since. Many are now pointing out the strange idiosyncrasies surrounding the unprecedented event, including the lack of letterhead or that Biden's signature appeared to be doctored.

Now there are all kinds of rumors about Biden's health, including that he may have had two 'secret' medical episodes recently, which were hidden from the public — and that's not counting the likely phony 'Covid' diagnosis. Most shocking was the fact that even Biden's closest aides didn't learn of his announcement of withdrawal until after the fact, and from social media at that. Furthermore, everything in-house has been managed by Jeff Zients. Read more here.

UK High Court Rules Puberty Blockers Ban Imposed by Tory Government is Lawful - SOTT, July 29, 2024

A ban on prescribing puberty blockers to children with gender dysphoria in England, Scotland and Wales was lawful, a high court judge has ruled. The Conservative government issued an emergency order on 29 May temporarily outlawing the supply of puberty blockers pursuant to an overseas prescription, in the wake of the review by Dr Hilary Cass into gender medicine.

The review criticised the lack of evidence surrounding the benefits and the risks associated with puberty blockers and the legislation was designed to ensure they could only be obtained as part of an authorised clinical trial. The advocacy group TransActual and a young person who cannot be named challenged the decision, claiming it lacked rigour and was motivated by the personal views of the health secretary at the time. Read more here.

Study: Canadians Experiencing Worst Standard of Living in 40 Years - Armstrong Economics, July 31, 2024

The Fraser Institute conducted a study that found Canadians are experiencing the worst standard of living in the past 40 years. Conditions are beneath what was experienced during the 89 recession, the Great Recession, and even the early stages of the post-pandemic. What is going on in Canada?

Justin Trudeau uprooted Canada’s fiscal landscape and his policies have only further sunk Canada into a decline. I reported that household debt in Canada exceeds 100% of GDP. Government spending toppled $1 trillion in 2020 in response to the pandemic, decreasing only 7.8% to $969.5 billion the following year. Government spending toppled C$520.17 billion during Q1 of 2024 alone. Justin Trudeau is aiming to turn Canada into a “BUILD BACK BETTER” nation that operates not like a true capitalist society but like the unelected government-driven economy we see in the European Union. More here.

Dogs Trained to Sniff Out Post-Traumatic Stress by Smelling Patients’ Breath With 90% Accuracy - Good News Network, July 14, 2024

Two dogs have been trained to sniff out post-traumatic stress by smelling survivors’ breath with an accuracy success rate following initial training of 90 percent. Scientists say the breakthrough will make post-traumatic stress disorder support dogs more effective.

PTSD is a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event such as a car crash or terror attack, with symptoms that include flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Dogs’ sensitive noses already can detect the early warning signs of medical situations, such as an impending seizure. Now, researchers have evidence that assistance dogs might be able to sniff out an oncoming PTSD flashback, before it happens. More here.

The Fat of the Matter: This Popular Lie Is Killing Us, 6 in 10 Now Have a Chronic Disease - Mercola, July 16, 2024

Over the past century, there has been a dramatic shift in the types of fats consumed in the typical Western diet. Traditional diets, which contained saturated fats from animal sources, have given way to diets high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly those derived from vegetable oils. This shift was largely driven by the belief that saturated fats were harmful to cardiovascular health, a notion that has been increasingly challenged and debunked in recent years.

The impact of this dietary change has been profound. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), life expectancy in the United States declined for the third consecutive year in 2022, a trend not seen since World War I. Simultaneously, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer continue to rise, with the CDC reporting that 6 in 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease, and 4 in 10 have two or more. More here.

MindMatters: Do NPCs Have an Inner Monologue? Discussing the 5 Pristine Inner Experiences - SOTT, July 9, 2024

Self-talk. Visualizations. Bodily awareness. Unconscious thought processes. In our day-to-day course of existence our minds assimilate, respond and react to any number of stimuli from within - and without. But how often do we stop to consider just how we do this and what faculties of apprehension are actually put to use? And do we even have a framework, vocabulary and level of awareness from which to do it?

Inner speech (inner monologue), inner vision, sensory awareness, emotions and unsymbolized thinking are all categories that, according to psychologist and researcher Russell T. Hurlburt, can help one come to know what one's "pristine inner experience" is. Along with such a framework and the research inspired by it come many questions. What does it mean to be "in the moment"? Do all people use all categories of inner experience with the same frequency? How are we used to describing our inner experiences to ourselves and to others? Were personages like Gurdjieff on to something when he encouraged people to observe themselves? Read more here.

Hyperdimensional Realities: A Scientific and Consciousness Perspective - SOTT, July 28, 2024

In recent times, with a number of UFO/UAP whistleblowers coming forward, the topic has taken on a new urgency. The term UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) has evolved into UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena). These entities are no longer mere flying objects; they are elusive forms that defy our physical understanding. Despite the media's reluctance to embrace the term "hyper-dimensional," the public is gradually being conditioned for the extraordinary revelations that lie ahead. Read more here.

Mystery in West Texas: 103 Earthquakes Recorded in One Week - SOTT, July 29, 2024

Officials in Scurry County in west Texas declared a state of emergency after more than 100 earthquakes rocked the area. So many earthquakes have struck the west Texas county of Scurry in the past week - more than 100 at last count - local officials have declared a state of emergency.

Scurry County Judge Dan Hicks wrote in his Friday declaration of disaster that since the first earthquake, registering magnitude 4.9, was felt the night of July 22, "damage has been found throughout Scurry County in businesses and residences." The county's buildings can handle a few quakes here and there, but the cumulative effects of so many small ones, punctuated by larger shaking, has become cause for concern. Read more here.

As Eurasia Awakes our World Will Shake - Solidarity, July 30, 2024

“Tectonic shifts are underway in global politics, economy, and other spheres of international relations. A fairer multipolar world order is being born.”  Opening words of the SCO 2024 declaration, Astana, Kazakhstan.

The new world order coming into being, Ambassador Freeman says, will be a “multi-nodal” one. “A fairer multipolar world order is being born”.  Eight words that sum up what is being created at pace and yet is being largely ignored by the Western media.  “Tectonic shifts” indeed are happening as the countries that represent the bulk of Eurasia’s landmass, economy, population and military might come together in an alliance that not only is linking the vast region that stretches from Europe to the Sea of Japan, but will transform global power dynamics for the coming century and push the demi-gods of the Western World out of the driver’s seat and back into the ranks of humanity. More here.

The Brave New World of 2030: ‘You’ll Own Nothing. And You’ll be Happy.’ - Global Research, July 30, 2024

If you spend just a few minutes checking out ‘The Great Reset’ website of the World Economic Forum, starting at the page ‘Now is the time for a “great reset”’ which includes a copy of what it calls ‘The Great Reset Transformation Map’  and spend two minutes watching the World Economic Forum’s video ‘8 Predictions For The World In 2030’, you will quickly recognize that the WEF intends imposing profound changes to about 200 areas of human life by 2030. 

If you also spend just a few hours reading Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four  you will soon discover that the Elite program currently being imposed on us is far more onerous than anything presented in the dystopian novels written by Huxley and Orwell. Technology, after all, has advanced dramatically in ways that neither Huxley nor Orwell anticipated. You will need to do a little further investigation, however, to discover that a range of tools  including genocides and wars, famines in some locations and serious economic dislocation in others, the Covid-19 ‘death shot’, 5G, geoengineering, Artificial Intelligence and synthetic biology is being used by Big Brother to kill off a substantial proportion of the human population. Read more here.

76% of All Personal Income Tax Last Month Went to Servicing the $34 Trillion National Debt - Twitter, July 26, 2024

How did we get here? 

Two men: FDR and Richard Nixon. 

Together, they broke the dollar. And put the American people into debt slavery. More here.

US Central Bank Hits $1T in Losses, What it Means for the Dollar - Watcher.Guru, July 25, 2024

Amid the BRICS ongoing de-dollarization initiative, the US Central Bank has officially hit more than $1 trillion in losses, which could have a massive impact on the dollar. Indeed, the Federal Reserve has seen its paper losses actualized into more than $100 billion in actual losses. Moreover, there appears to be no relief on the doorstep.

The country has consistently been fighting off mounting national debt. With many forecasting a debt crisis in 2030, there have been rumblings about what this could mean for the dominant global reserve currency. This is especially concerning as the country has yet to navigate through its ongoing interest rate dilemma. Read more here.
FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH - articles off the beaten track which may - or may not - have predictive value.

The 9/11 Enigma: A Quest for Truth - SOTT, July 28, 2024

September 11, 2001, the world watched in shock as two planes crashed into the World Trade Center, forever changing the course of history. But beneath the surface of this tragic event lies a labyrinth of questions, deceptions, and hidden agendas. In her investigative work, Laura Knight-Jadczyk delves into the intricate web of conspiracies surrounding 9/11, challenging the official narrative and revealing a darker, more complex reality.
  • The Immediate Aftermath: A Suspicion of Deception
  • COINTELPRO and the Machinery of Control
  • The Role of the National Security State
  • The Israeli Connection
  • Anthrax Attacks: A Manufactured Crisis
  • Unmasking the Architects of Terror
  • The Pursuit of Truth
Read more here.

‘Sign of Things to Come’: Singapore Approves 16 Insects for Human Food - Global Research, July 22, 2024

Singapore has approved 16 insects as food for humans — becoming the latest country to authorize insect products for human consumption, in what The Guardian described as a move that “paves the way for plates to become wrigglier, leggier and more sustainable” and as “a sign of things to come.” In a July 8 announcement, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) approved the 16 insects, which include silkworm pupa and mealworm, “With immediate effect.”

“These insects and insect products can be used for human consumption or as animal feed for food producing animals,” the SFA stated. Countries and entities such as the United Kingdom (U.K.), Australia and the European Union (EU) have already approved some insects for human consumption. However, in the U.S. existing regulations contain few references specifically addressing insects. Read more here.

Other Than Nuclear War, the Digital Revolution Is Mankind’s Greatest Disaster - Global Research, July 22, 2024

It has been clear to me from the beginning that the digital revolution was a massive catastrophe in the making. The digital revolution is a catastrophe across the board. It not only gives government ability to impose tyranny beyond George Orwells’ imagination, it subjects all accumulated knowledge to wipe out by an electromagnetic pulse, and it causes shutdown of worldwide economic activity because of a bug in cybersecurity software.

We got a taste of this on July 22nd.. All over the world flights stopped. People could not access their bank accounts. Stores could not process transactions. People could not purchase food or clothing. Emergency police, health, fire services could not be contacted. All of this and more happened because a Crowdstrike cybersecurity update contained an error that closed down services relying on the Microsoft operating system. More here.

How the British Government Subjected Thousands of People to Chemical and Biological Warfare Trials During Cold War - Independent, July 9, 2024

During the Cold War, the British Government used the general public as unwitting biological and chemical warfare guinea pigs on a much greater scale than previously thought, according to new historical research. In more than 750 secret operations, hundreds of thousands of ordinary Britons were subjected to ‘mock’ biological and chemical warfare attacks launched from aircraft, ships and road vehicles.

Up until now historians had thought that such operations had been much less extensive. The new research, carried out by Ulf Schmidt, Professor of Modern History at the University of Kent, has revealed that British military aircraft dropped thousands of kilos of a chemical of ‘largely unknown toxic potential’ on British civilian populations in and around Salisbury in Wiltshire, Cardington in Bedfordshire and Norwich in Norfolk. More here.

The Most Important Speech of the Decade? - Thomas Fazi, July 31, 2024

This past weekend saw the delivery of what can easily be described as the most important geopolitical speech of the decade though you’re likely to have missed it if you tend to get your news from the Western mainstream media. The reason for the media silence is easy to explain: first, it was given by Viktor Orbán, the number one enemy of the European establishment; second, the speech itself an analysis of the state of the world, and of the West and Europe in particular is probably the most powerful takedown yet of the dominant Western geopolitical and cultural paradigm.

It’s a masterful talk, in which Orbán covers a wide range of topics: the war in Ukraine, Europe-US relations, the demise of Western hegemony and the southward and eastward global geopolitical shift underway, the importance of the nation state, the European Union (EU) as the quintessential example of the globalist and oligarchic shift in Western politics, Donald Trump, Hungary’s role in all this, and much more here

Slavery Abolition Act -, August 1, 2024

The Slavery Abolition Act was passed by the British Parliament on August 28, 1833 and took effect on August 1, 1834. The act outlawed the buying, selling, and owning of humans as property in the British Empire's colonies, freeing more than 800,000 enslaved people in Africa, the Caribbean, and Canada.

Honest Uber Eats Driver Working to Pay for Wedding Earns Hundreds After Viral Leaving Letter in Chipotle Bag - Good News Network, July 29, 2024

When a driver for Uber Eats humbly asked for a little generosity in order to give his wife-to-be the wedding of her dreams, the world responded. Paul Slobodzian has been driving Uber Eats as a side hustle for over a year to save for his wedding. One evening, Erica Hernandez ordered dinner from Chipotle, and it was Slobodzian who picked it up and brought it over. Concealed inside the bag was a handwritten note.

“Thank you for your order! I’m delivering for <3 on the side to give my fiancée the wedding she deserves. Any additional tip through the app or Venmo is greatly appreciated,” the note read. Hernandez was touched by his honesty and dedication, so she shared it on her own TikTok account, which while not being very big, was still the least she could do, she thought. Read more here.
Animals can experience time differently from humans.
If I can create some space that people haven't experienced before and if it stays with them or gives them a dream for the future, that's the kind of structure I seek to create.
~ Tadao Ando ~
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News Alert—July 31, 2024—Skullduggery and Deception, Can Scientists Deny This?

News Alert—August 4, 2024—Endorsement of Trump Assassination