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Volume 25, Number 5 – 3/1/2024

Volume 27, Number 5 – 03/01/2024

Future Facts from Think Links:

Did you know that…





Hydrogen to Holistic

Saturday, March 16, 2024
Micha Eizen, MS, ME, Hydrogen Therapy 11:45 – 1:00 p.m. ET
Debra Rose, BCN, Holistic Wellness 1:00 – 5 p.m. ET
in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

Click Here for Tickets and More Info
Annual Premium members receive a 10% discount
automatically at check out.
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Want to know what’s on the leading edge of preventive healthcare? Would it be helpful to know what’s coming this way?  Naturopath Debra Rose is returning to TransitionTalks on the 16th of March to take us all on a survey trip of the future – exploring what’s on the horizon . . . and then showing us all how we can begin to integrate these new ideas into our lives today. 

Check out my interview with Debra below.  She and I both agree that the future is going to be about prevention . . . not cure.  It’ll be about how to live in such a way that you just don’t get sick; using subtle energies and natural approaches to produce great health and a fresh outlook on your life and the world. 

It’s a lifestyle that provides an ideal environment for your body’s natural defensive – and offensive – systems, giving them the operating space to do their jobs in the best way possible.  Debra specializes in using supplements and natural interventions (along with changes in diet) to get you on the right track and then using food as the principal way to maintain wellbeing. It’s a proven approach that she has used successfully with thousands of patients over decades.  

This afternoon will feature a wide-ranging conversation about what the next big era in healthcare will be.  We’ll all be using subtle energy analytical technologies and using inexpensive approaches that address all aspects of the human physical and energetic systems, while exercising new approaches to living that emphasize keeping the body in a condition where it sustains itself perfectly.

Debra’s unique approach has helped give new hope for large numbers of people who had nowhere else to turn and in many cases were confronting an early demise.  So, we know it works.

I’ve also asked Debra to talk about how we prepare for the coming months and years where there are growing indications that suggest that supply chains that we have all grown accustomed to could well fail.  She’ll be discussing and distributing a list of medicines and supplies that everyone should have in case the regular supply systems don’t work. 

This will be a fact-filled afternoon with a great deal of practical advice and provocative discussion about how we all can prepare for the coming uncertainty. 

As an added bonus, we will be drawing two names from the attendees of the event for a free consultation with Debra, so make sure you’re with us, either in person or on the livestream, to be considered for that.

I look forward to seeing you on the 16th of March, IN PERSON or via LIVESTREAM – and if you can’t be with us on the 16th, you may watch the replay at your convenience. 

John L. Petersen
There is always something that you can do to improve your situation.
~ Debra Rose ~

Join us March 16th, 2024, In Person or via Livestream!
Coolfont Resort, 3621 Cold Run Valley Road, Berkeley Springs, WV
11:45 – 5:00 ET

All tickets include access to the replay for six months, following the original event.

Click Here for Tickets and More Info
Debra Rose, BCN, is one of the leading quantum biofeedback authorities the United States. She is both a quantum biofeedback specialist and also an instructor. Quantum biofeedback is a non-invasive therapeutic technology that energetically scans and harmonizes stress and imbalance and could certainly be a key component of the future of healthcare. Biofeedback and bioresonance are scientifically-proven methods for reducing stress in the entire body.
For nearly two decades, Debra has dramatically helped many thousands of patients as a holistic health practitioner using quantum biofeedback. She is a Board-certified naturopath through Trinity Schools and maintains practices on both coasts of the US.

She has seen many thousands of patients with chronic Lyme disease, various end-stage cancers, and severe brain issues completely turn their lives around with the help of the powerful tools she has in her arsenal. Debra is blessed to see many people turning their tragic situations into triumphant health opportunities and transformational, life changing events.

Always alert for the most effective way to address sickness, Debra focuses on cutting edge techniques to help her patients detoxify from the chemicals and popular pharmaceutical products that have been introduced to their bodies—these substances affect all of us no matter how clean we think we are living!
Micha Eizen, MS, ME, is a versatile professional with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, expertise in Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, and battery technology. Micha is the visionary behind cutting-edge Molecular Hydrogen/Brown’s Gas Healing Machines, a Tesla therapeutic device with remote healing capabilities, and innovations in crop growth enhancement. Beyond engineering, Micha is a Reiki Master and Universal Energy healer. Renowned for his ability to devise innovative solutions, Micha is also the creative mind behind a new line of all-natural skincare products, demonstrating a gift for finding the “Other Solution” across various fields.
Micha will discuss the amazing discovery and evolution of molecular Hydrogen as a medical gas for safe therapy of almost any disease without adverse side effects.  He will cover its natural production within our bodies, what makes Hydrogen therapy so special, the molecular results to our skin and bodies, maximized health and even increased lifespan. As an additional bonus, Micha is gifting free samples of his all-natural skincare products to all in person attendees!
Join us for a Dinner Buffet following Debra Rose and Micha Eizen’s presentations.
Space is limited and pre-paid reservations are required for the buffet.

Click here for more info and buffet tickets.






Hydrogen to Holistic

Saturday, March 16, 2024 11:45 – 5:00 p.m.
in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

(All tickets include unlimited access to the replay
for six months!)

Complete information at:

See you there!

Addressing Racism in AI Image Generators – TechCrunch, February 24, 2024

Keeping up with an industry as fast-moving as AI is a tall order. So until an AI can do it for you, here’s a handy roundup of recent stories in the world of machine learning, along with notable research and experiments we didn’t cover on their own.

This week in AI, Google paused its AI chatbot Gemini’s ability to generate images of people after a segment of users complained about historical inaccuracies. Told to depict “a Roman legion,” for instance, Gemini would show an anachronistic, cartoonish group of racially diverse foot soldiers while rendering “Zulu warriors” as Black. Read more here.

The Truth About Sentient AI: Could Machines Ever Really Think or Feel? – Popular Mechanics, February 16, 2024

“We’re talking about more than just code; we’re talking about the ability of a machine to think and to feel, along with having morality and spirituality,” a scientist tells us.

Amid the surge of interest in large language model bots like ChatGPT, an Oxford philosopher recently claimed that artificial intelligence has shown traces of sentience. We currently see AI reaching the singularity as a moving goalpost, but Nick Bostrom, Ph.D. claims that we should look at it as more of a sliding scale. “If you admit that it’s not an all-or-nothing thing … some of these [AI] assistants might plausibly be candidates for having some degree of sentience.”  Read more here.

COVID Vaccine Shedding Is ‘Real,’ FDA and Pfizer Documents Are Proof: Clinicians – Epoch TV, February 10, 2024

Unvaccinated women talk of menstrual abnormalities after coming into close contact with vaccinated individuals. Some recently vaccinated mothers report babies experiencing bad reactions after breastfeeding. What is this phenomenon? Watch here.

Opposition to mRNA Injections Now Considered a CRIME in France, Violators Face 45,000 Euro Fine and 3 Years in Prison for Questioning “The Science” – Natural News, February 18, 2024

The French government just passed a law to fine and imprison people for refusing to get injected with mRNA (modRNA) “vaccines.” All opposition to mRNA-LNP (lipid nanoparticles) injections in France is now considered to be “sectarian aberration.” Violations carry with them a penalty of 45,000 euros and up to three years imprisonment.

Known as Article 4, the highly illiberal law prohibits residents and citizens from saying anything bad about “therapeutic” treatments like mRNA shots that are either mandatory or just recommended by the French government. Read more here.

Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed – The Reese Report, February 20, 2024

New research shows that those who received the COVID shots emit a fluorescent orange glow in their faces that is visible under a UV light of 365 nano-meters. And those who have been exposed to shedding emit this glow around their nose.

After his wife was coerced into getting the COVID shot, PhD Justin Coy began his own research. He found that the more shots a person received, the more they glowed under UV light. The glow can be seen initially around the nose, and over time spreads throughout the entire face and into the neck.After a hot shower, filaments are expelled through the skin of the vaxxed. And these filaments also emit a glow under UV light. These filaments not only glow, but they have been shown to move on their own in spastic movements. And they are also attracted to people. In videos they can be seen trying to latch on to a finger. And when a person who has received the shot has dry skin, these expelled filaments will become airborne. This could explain how shedding occurs from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. The Pfizer trial documents stated that an unvaxxed individual in close proximity to someone who’s been vaxxed can be infected by inhalation and skin contact. Read more here.

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer “Confidential Report” – Global Research, May 31, 2022

I’ve been silent for some weeks. Forgive me. The truth is: I’ve been rendered almost speechless, or the literary equivalent of that, because recently I’ve had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide, or what I’ve called, clumsily but urgently, a “baby die-off”, is underway.

Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, a group of 3000 highly credentialled doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists, have been turning out report after report, as you may know, to tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years. By court order, these documents were forcibly disclosed. And our experts are serving humanity by reading through these documents and explaining them in lay terms. You can find all of the Volunteers’ reports on The lies revealed are stunning. More here.

“NO LIVES WERE SAVED” by the COVID-19 injections, Says Researcher and Scientist – Telegram, February 23, 2024

In fact, Denis Rancourt and his fellow scientists found in their analysis that all-cause mortality INCREASED every time the COVID-19 shots were deployed.

Here’s the 50,000-foot view: More here.

Medical Staff Offers Assisted Suicide To Canadian Woman Paralyzed From COVID Shots – The Reese Report, February 27, 2024

The challenge is not to disassociate, but to bear witness. Since every person alive now is either a victim of the shots, or a witness. Kayla was one of millions coerced and deceived into getting the deadly COVID shots when they were mandated in 2021.

Can you tell us why you decided to get the COVID 19 vaccine?

Basically, a lot of it had to do with the things I was hearing on TV. So there was a lot of fear just being screamed at me by not just the TV, but also like, you know, when you see like the W.H.O. is on TV telling you that this is like a deadly pandemic and, you know, people with immune disorders are going to die from COVID19, more likely than other people. You know, I was hearing about that and my dad was dying in long term care at the time and in order to go see him I needed the shots. In order to go to work I needed a shot.

Read more here.

Your Very Own Consciousness Can Interact With the Whole Universe, Scientists Believe – Popular Mechanics, October 23, 2023

When people talk about consciousness, or the mind, it’s always a bit nebulous. Whether we create consciousness in our brains as a function of our neurons firing, or consciousness exists independently of us, there’s no universally accepted scientific explanation for where it comes from or where it lives. However, new research on the physics, anatomy, and geometry of consciousness has begun to reveal its possible form.

Penny Kelly, one of our keynote Speakers at TransitionTalks, is an author, teacher, speaker, publisher, personal and spiritual consultant, and Naturopathic physician. She travels, lectures, and teaches a variety of classes and workshops, and maintains a large consulting practice. She has been involved in scientific research and investigations into consciousness at Pinelandia Laboratory near Ann Arbor, MI and will be speaking at TransitionTalks on May 18, 2024 in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. You can join in person or via livestream for her deep  conversation on the hidden potentials of the human among other topics. More here.

Snaking Toward a Universal Antivenom – Scripps Research, February 23, 2024

Scripps Research scientists have developed an antibody that can block the effects of lethal toxins in the venoms of a wide variety of snakes found throughout Africa, Asia and Australia.

The antibody, which protected mice from the normally deadly venom of snakes including black mambas and king cobras, is described on February 21, 2024, in Science Translational Medicine. The new research used forms of the toxins produced in the laboratory to screen billions of different human antibodies and identify one that can block the toxins’ activity. It represents a large step toward a universal antivenom that would be effective against the venom of all snakes. More here.

New Pesticide ‘Linked to Reproductive Issues’ Found in 80 Percent of Americans – Epoch TV, February 19, 2024

In yet another example of how weird chemicals have become ubiquitous in the modern American diet, a new study just came out showing that a pesticide linked to infertility was found in upwards of 80 percent of people in America. This paper was published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, and it was titled: “A pilot study of chlormequat in food and urine from adults in the United States from 2017 to 2023.”

The term “pilot study” means that previously, this wasn’t something that was being measured—and there’s a good reason for that. Read more here.

A New Approach to Producing Artificial Cartilage With the Help of 3D Printing – Phys Org, February 12, 2024

Is it possible to grow tissue in the laboratory, for example to replace injured cartilage? At TU Wien (Vienna), an important step has now been taken toward creating replacement tissue in the lab using a technique that differs significantly from other methods used around the world. The study is published in Acta Biomaterialia.

A special high-resolution 3D printing process is used to create tiny, porous spheres made of biocompatible and degradable plastic, which are then colonized with cells. These spheroids can then be arranged in any geometry, and the cells of the different units combine seamlessly to form a uniform, living tissue. Cartilage tissue, with which the concept has now been demonstrated at TU Wien, was previously considered particularly challenging in this respect. More here.

Solar Researchers Sound the Alarm to Deaf Ears: “Severe Cold and Food Shortages as Early as the 2030s” – Free West Media, February 25, 2024

Valentina Zharkova is a Ukrainian solar researcher with a solid academic background, world-leading research, and numerous groundbreaking publications. She graduated with top honors in applied mathematics from Kiev National University (KNU) in 1975. Zharkova obtained her doctorate in astrophysics, specializing in “Radiative Transfer of Solar Prominences,” at the Astronomical Main Observatory in Kiev in 1984. She worked as a researcher and lecturer at KNU for many years.

In a 2019 interview with the award-winning Canadian journalist Stuart McNish on his program “Conversations That Matter,” Zharkova explained with great seriousness and caution that solar researchers have been observing signs since 2015 that solar activity is decreasing in a manner only seen during the Grand Solar Minimum, which last occurred during the Maunder Minimum 400 years ago. She cites NOAA, NASA, and other research organizations that have noted this trend in various ways but have not communicated it to the public. Zharkova asserts that the significantly reduced solar activity, which we have barely witnessed the beginning of, will inevitably lead to dramatic climate and weather changes as well as global cooling. She also specifies the time period she believes will be the worst: More here.

Risky Scientific Experiments in our Air and Water are Being Carried Out in the Name of “Climate Change” – Natural News, February 18, 2024

From injecting reflective particles into our skies to pouring chemicals into the ocean, scientists have been interfering with the environment in the name of stemming so-called climate change. However, instead of helping the planet, these measures are largely untested and could well cause untold harm. Read more here,

Musk Reveals Neuralink’s First Human Patient Controls Computer Mouse With Mind – ZeroHedge, February 24, 2024

In an X Spaces event, Elon Musk revealed the first human patient implanted with a brain chip from Neuralink has made a “full recovery” and “can control the mouse around the screen just by thinking.” 

Neuralink implanted the first brain chip into a human in January, following approval for human trials in September. The potentially life-transforming technology could help patients with quadriplegia caused by cervical spinal cord injury or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Read more here.

Game-Changing ‘Flightline of the Future’ Leverages Augmented Reality for Transmission of Sensitive Military Aircraft Data at High Speeds – The Debrief, January 10, 2024

A new system that facilitates the secure transmission of sensitive, classified military data at high speeds has been demonstrated, paving the way toward leveraging digital capabilities that could transform traditional flightline maintenance.

The technology demonstration, which is called “Flightline of the Future,” is the result of a new collaboration between Northrup Grumman and its partners at AT&T and Secure EMP-Resilient Edge (SEMPRE), a provider of low-latency EMP-hardened digital solutions. The new system could fundamentally change how classified information is shared across geographies, in addition to allowing significant reductions in the amount of time required for aircraft maintenance and repair and other tasks. Read more here.

Inflation’s Still With Us as Food and Shelter Were Pricier in January – Pymnts, February 13, 2024

The latest data from the government on consumer prices indicates a bit of weary truth: Inflation’s settled in, seemingly for the long haul. The Bureau of Labor Statistics noted on Tuesday (Feb. 13) in a news release that, overall, prices were up 3.1% in January, as measured year on year and 0.3% higher as measured month on month.

The report has thrown some cold water on speculation that the Fed was going to cut rates sooner rather than later. But the details show that, in the meantime, the costs of everyday staples such as food and shelter are continuing to rise. Read more here.

Scientists Claim AI Breakthrough to Generate Boundless Clean Fusion Energy –  Vice, February 21, 2024

Princeton researchers report that a new AI model has solved one of the major roadblocks to generating fusion energy. There are many stumbling blocks on the racetrack to nuclear fusion, the reaction at the core of the sun that combines atoms to make energy: Generating more energy than it takes to power the reactors, developing reactor-proof building materials, keeping the reactor free from impurities, and restraining that fuel within it, to name a few. 

Now, researchers from Princeton University and its Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory have developed an AI model that could solve that last problem. This model predicts, and then figures out how to avoid, plasma becoming unstable and escaping the strong magnetic fields that hold it inside certain donut-shaped reactors. Read more here.

How Our Drinking Water Could Come From Thin Air – BBC Future, February 5, 2024

From solar panels that produce water to ‘self-filling’ coffee machines and water coolers, technology companies are putting a new spin on a centuries-old technique.

Friesen, an associate professor of materials science at Arizona State University, has developed a solar-powered hydropanel that can absorb water vapour at high volumes when exposed to sunlight. It is a modern-day twist on an approach been used for centuries to pull water from the atmosphere, such as using trees or nets to “catch” fog in Peru, a practice that dates back to the 1500s and is still being used today. More here.

South Korea’s Artificial Sun Is Taking an Enormous Step Forward – Popular Mechanics, January 5, 2024

While the fusion industry eagerly awaits the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)’s first plasma—tentatively scheduled for 2025—other, smaller reactors around the world are putting in groundbreaking work to prepare for this next-gen energy project. One of those reactors is located in Daejeon, South Korea, and is known as the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research reactor (KSTAR).

Since 2008, KSTAR has tested fundamental concepts of fusion energy—the physics that powers our Sun—by producing 100 million degree Celsius plasma that forces certain hydrogen isotopes to fuse, producing tremendous amounts of energy. Read more here.

Pilot Incapacitations Inflight in 2023-2024, Pilot Deaths – Global Research, February 24, 2024

A Lufthansa Airbus A321-200, registration D-AISO performing flight LH-1140 from Frankfurt/Main (Germany) to Seville,SP (Spain), was enroute at FL350 about 40nm south-southwest of Madrid,SP (Spain) when the crew requested to urgently divert to Madrid reporting the first officer was feeling unwell. The aircraft turned around and landed safely on Madrid’s runway 32L about 18 minutes later. The aircraft remained on the ground in Madrid for about 5.5 hours then continued the journey and reached Seville with a delay of about 5.5 hours.
  • Pilot Incapacitations Inflight in 2024
  • Commercial Airline Pilot Incapacitations Inflight in 2023 (25 Total)
  • Commercial Airline Pilot Deaths On Duty (Not Inflight) in 2023 (4 Total)
  • Military Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths
More here.

The Future of Transportation: Why Electric Bikes are Taking Over – TechBullion, February 27, 2024

As cities become more congested with traffic and pollution levels rise, the need for alternative modes of transportation is becoming increasingly apparent. Enter electric bikes – the sleek, eco-friendly solution that is revolutionizing how we navigate our urban landscapes. In this blog post, we’ll explore why electric bikes are taking over as the future of transportation and how they’re changing the way we think about getting from point A to point B. Strap in (or should we say pedal on?) as we dive into the electrifying world of e-bikes! Read more here.

The Future of Farming: Top Innovations and Technologies in Agriculture – TechBullion, February 22, 2024

As we look towards the future of farming, it’s clear that innovation and technology will play a crucial role in revolutionizing the way we grow our food. From vertical farming to precision agriculture, there are countless advancements that are shaping the landscape of agriculture as we know it. Join us as we explore the top innovations and technologies that are set to transform the face of farming for years to come. Get ready to be inspired by the exciting future of agriculture! Read more here.

October 7 As Seen Through the Lens of the Military-Intelligence Complex – Global Research, January 4, 2024

Mass-casualty producing events create “reptilian” sparks  of collective outrage that nullify critical thinking. Criminal military-intelligence operatives fabricate and enable such catastrophes, with a view to creating such outrage, together with false-attribution of blame,  to wage pre-planned wars and genocides. Fabricated mass-casualty producing events satisfy the Helgelian dialectic of Problem Reaction Solution.

This appears to be the case with the October 7 “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”. Zionist/Western operatives seeking to “wipe Gaza off the map” first needed to engineer global outrage by creating the conditions for a mass-casualty producing event, such as the one on October 7 2023. This catastrophe was in turn used as a pretext for the current Western/Zionist perpetrated genocide happening now in the West Bank and in Gaza. More here.

Israel Could Kill 85,000 More Gazans in 6 Months – Consortium News, February 27, 2024

Scientists have warned an escalation in the Israeli bombardment of Gaza was projected to kill 85,000 Palestinians in the next six months — which would bring the total death toll to more than 114,000 people, or about 5 percent of Gaza’s population, in less than a year. Read more here.

He Burned Himself Alive to Turn Eyes to Gaza – Consortium News, February 26, 2024

I watched the uncensored video of U.S. airman Aaron Bushnell self-immolating in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington while screaming “Free Palestine.” I hesitated to watch it because I knew once I put it into my mind it’s there for the rest of my life, but I figured I owe him that much. 

The sound of Bushnell saying “Free Palestine,, then screaming it, then switching to wordless screams when the pain became too overwhelming, then forcing out one more “Free Palestine” before losing his words for good. The sound of the cop screaming at him to get on the ground over and over again. The sound of a first responder telling police to stop pointing guns at Bushnell’s burning body and go get fire extinguishers. Read more here.

CIA’s Torture and Abuse: America’s Shame! – CounterPunch, February 23, 2024

The legacy of the CIA’s torture and abuse program continues to obstruct the Guantanamo trials of those responsible for the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000; the 9/11 bombings in 2001; and the nightclub bombing in Indonesia in 2002.

The various defendants were subjected to waterboarding in CIA secret prisons; painful shackling; and solitary confinement in darkened dungeon-like conditions for years.  The CIA has classified the relevant documentation to avoid embarrassment and not to protect legitimate secrets.  Moreover, there was never any accountability for the key individuals involved in these shameful acts. More here.

CIA Built “12 Secret Spy Bases” In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms – ZeroHedge, February 24, 2024

The New York Times published an explosive and very belated full admission that US intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine wartime decision-making, but has established and financed high tech command-and-control spy centers, and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

Among the biggest revelations is that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents. The Times says the CIA program to modernize Ukraine’s intelligence services has “transformed” the former Soviet state and its capabilities into “Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today.” More here,

The CIA Murdered the 1st Amendment – Forbidden Knowledge, February 28, 2024

Governments have always had a twitchy trigger finger when it comes to wielding the shiny weapon of mass psyops. Beginning in the 1950s, the CIA began to hire and contract students and people in the media to write false stories, or embellish stories to favor the US government. Massive amounts of propaganda were funded using fake companies during the sixties to control the awakening student population. The Church Hearings ripped the bandage off in the 1970s. Exposing Operation Mockingbird, revealing the infiltration of the media by the CIA and interested parties. The 1977 Woodward and Bernstein piece, “The CIA and the Media”, delved further in, revealing the reporters and organizations paid by the CIA. More here.

A Global Chorus of Pretence to Halt the Gaza Bloodbath. The New World Order’s “Global Welfare” – Global Research, February 26, 2024

For those who have failed to recognise the true colours of the global institutions charged with acting for world peace, health and human rights, it will surely come as a shock to realise that such international bodies are part of the problem and not the solution. They are complicit in the carefully planned entanglement agenda which obscures truth, strings out discussion and evades taking action, while presenting themselves as ‘the caring face of global welfare’.

These bodies are agents of the elite globalist push for ‘A New World Order’, top down power now going for full spectrum dominance. Read more here.

Indian Farmers Take to Highways in Tractors – WION, February 26, 2024

Indian farmers took out a tractor rally on the highways leading to the national capital. They parked their tractors on expressways to create traffic disruptions. Watch here.

Death Is Inevitable. A New Kind of Cremation Is Trying to Make It Sustainable. – Popular Mechanics, February 8, 2024

More states are weighing the merits of a disposal method that promises to tread lightly on the earth.
  • An alternative human burial method, known as alkaline hydrolysis or ‘water cremation,’ has started to gain traction in recent years.
  • Alkaline hydrolysis is marketed as a greener, cleaner form of cremation that breaks the body down into its fundamental building blocks using a very high-pH solution.
  • The process results in a sterile liquid that can be easily disposed of, and embrittled bones that can be returned to loved ones as “ash.”
The process is already legal in several states, and is being marketed as a more environmentally friendly approach to cremation—one that uses significantly less energy and produces significantly less pollution. Read more here.

UFO Hotspots Revealed in Analysis of 100,000 Sightings – New Atlas, February 28, 2024

UFOs are having a bit of a renaissance lately, moving beyond the tinfoil-hatted crowd and into the realm of serious government investigation. Now a study has analyzed the geography of almost 100,000 sightings and found a few clues about how they cluster.

Although humans have been spotting weird stuff in the sky for millennia, the modern UFO craze really took off in the mid-20th century. Arguably, pilot Kenneth Arnold started it all in 1947 with his claim of seeing several “saucer-like aircraft” in formation, which birthed the term flying saucers. Just a few weeks later, the infamous Roswell incident occurred and pop culture never recovered.Read more here, 

Does Unacceptably High Cross Reactivity in PCR Testing Mean There Was No Pandemic? – Where Are The Numbers, Substack, February 23, 2024


  • Without PCR testing data mortality and morbidity would not be attributable to the novel virus and if this attribution is false there must therefore be other explanations for the ‘pandemic’.
  • Whilst scandals about PCR testing are well known a materially important aspect of PCR testing has been given scant attention and that is cross reactivity (or crosstalk). This is where other viruses, such as common colds or flus etc., might trigger a false positive PCR result for SARS-CoV-2.
  • We analysed the very few studies that used blind samples of colds or flu viruses to undertake ‘mystery shopper’ testing of laboratories using PCR.
  • In these studies, we found strong evidence for cross reactivity between other competing viruses and the PCR tests sampled, rising to up to 25% for other circulating viral pathogens.

More here.


Tucker Carlson Says Grocery Shopping in Moscow Left Him Feeling Shocked and “Radicalized” About Food Prices and Food Inflation in the USA – Natural News, February 18, 2024

Tucker Carlson said that he felt “radicalized” after visiting a Moscow grocery store recently and seeing the prices of food there. He and his crew estimated that the groceries they filled their cart with – which represent a week’s worth of food – would cost around $400 and were shocked when they found out their total was just shy of $104.

In the video, he said: “If you take people’s standard of living and you tank it through filth, crime and inflation, and they literally can’t buy the groceries they want – at that point, maybe it matters less what you say or whether you are a good person or a bad person.” More here.

Study Shows Men Also Experience Menopause as they Age – WION, January 25, 2024

Andropause is defined as a syndrome associated with a decrease in sexual satisfaction or a decline in a feeling of general well-being with low levels of testosterone in older men. Watch WION decode male menopause here.

More Women Might be Psychopaths Than We Think, New Study Suggests – WION, February 28, 2024

Psychopaths can have a huge impact in the workplace, with employees being sidelined, abused and bullied 

The conventional belief that psychopathy predominantly manifests in men is being challenged by recent research suggesting a significant presence of female psychopaths. Dr Clive Boddy, an expert in corporate psychopathy at Anglia Ruskin University, contests the commonly cited ratio of male to female psychopaths in a new study, suggesting a potentially significant underestimation of female psychopathy prevalence, as reported by the Guardian. Read more here.
FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH – articles off the beaten track which may – or may not – have predictive value.

The Unreal Machine (3) – Bright Light, Deep Shadows – Kingsley L. Dennis, February 23, 2024

It should be recognized that this current state of ‘inverted reality’ is a phase, and as such it has to be worked through. We cannot avoid the fact that we first have to learn how to live amongst these entropic forces before we can bypass them (see Pt.2 of this essay), for these are the conditions of our time. Yet we must find the right way to approach these forces without being overpowered or subsumed by them.

What may be needed to counter-act Ahrimanic forces is perseverance and consistency, a long-term aim and development. We need to be aware that the forces acting against us intend to steer human intelligence into mere intellectual cleverness, driven by lower passions and desires, and increasingly divorced from a transcendental, metaphysical reality. This is the ideal vehicle for entropic forces, a pure, dry, and mechanical intellect. And if this cannot be achieved successfully through current humanity, then it will be attempted through the machinic, or robotic, path of development. And this is what connects these forces with the artificial light of electricity. More here.

NY & the End of the American Way of Life – Armstrong Economics, February 23, 2024

Once upon a time, in the United States, we, the people, began our classroom day with the Pledge of Allegiance:

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,”

Those days are gone, and we can no longer depend on the Courts and the legal systems for Truth, Fairness, and Justice for all, which we were told was the American Way of Life! How many millions went off to war and died to defend that principle they have torn to shreds in New York City? The American Way of Life is dead. The Democrats have allowed our nation to be flooded with people who do not share our culture, our philosophies, or our history solely to ensure they win at all costs. More here.


The Most Fascinating Days in History – Popular Mechanics, February 15, 2024

From ancient milestones to modern marvels, some moments of ingenuity are remarkably intertwined through time.

Turn the pages of the past, and you’ll find that some dates especially stand out, packed with milestone events that changed the course of our world. With so many major moments to count and just 365 days in a calendar year, it’s only natural that certain dates are extra special, filled with inspiring stories that have shaped who we are. Read more here.

Glow-in-the-Dark Petunias Emit Bioluminescence Like Fireflies–Now For Sale in 48 States Online – Good News Network, February 22, 2024

Unfortunately for the human taste of beauty, forest plants have no need to glow in the dark like those in the movie Avatar. Fortunately for the human taste of beauty, we can genetically modify plants to glow in the dark. Cleared as non-disruptive by the USDA and now available for pre-order, the Firefly Petunia is set to become the first commercially raised flower species that glows in the dark.

The Firefly Petunia emits a soft glow at a lux level similar to moonlight. It can be grown in pots, baskets, or gardens, quickly attaining about 8 to 10 inches in size with abundant white flowers, according to the company Light Bio, which made them. Read more here.

Hug Therapy Helps Premature Babies Develop as Volunteers Sit in for Moms Who Can’t Be There – Good News Network, February 26, 2024

In a hospital in the Argentine city of Cordoba, a wonderful and obvious initiative is giving babies a more natural environment when they are born into circumstances that are anything but.

Placed in an incubator, with mother and father absent due to work, substance abuse, incarceration, injury, or death, a team of volunteer “huggers” take 2-hour shifts holding babies in their arms to benefit their growth so they aren’t left too long in the machine. Read more here.
The Pope can’t be an organ donor.
If you take people’s standard of living and you tank it through filth, crime and inflation, and they literally can’t buy the groceries they want ,
at that point, maybe it matters less what you say or whether you are
a good person or a bad person.
~ Tucker Carlson ~
 (American Conservative Political Commentator)
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