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Quartet Preview – What Sources Do You Use to Give You a Sense of What’s Real in the World?

What sources do you use to give you a sense of what’s real in the world?

  • What on-line sites
  • What individuals you follow
  • Who has the most creative and best ideas

John Petersen’s Resources:

1. Conventional

Tucker Carlson
Capital Salon
Gateway Pundit
The Hill
Suspicious 0bservers
What Does It Mean (Sorcha Faal)
Big Picture with James Patrick

Quora Digest
Epoch Times
Paul Craig Roberts
Austin Fitts
1440 Daily Report
Peak Prosperty
Armstrong Economics
The Ethical Sceptic
Chas Freeman
Global Research
Corbett Report
Caitlin Johnstone
Whitney Webb
Zero Hedge
Children’s Health Defense

Uknz Review
Bearded Patriot
Need to Know – G. Edward Griffin
The Futurist
Steve Kirsh
Jon Rappoport
Common Sense Show – Dave Hodges
Fast Company Compass
Tucker Carlson

2. Unconventional

Steve Greer
The Debrief
Archaix Errants (Jason Bershars)

Suspicious 0bervers
Dr. Mercola
Clif High
Forbidden KnowledgeTV
David Martin
Penny Kelly
Gregg Braden

Clif High
Jason Shurka
Natural News
Health Impact News
Kingsley Dennis
Robert Edward Grant
Benjamin Fulford

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