Seeking participants for an experiment to better understand the interconnectedness of Human Consciousness!
According to the fundamental statement of analytical psychoanalysis, founded by psychoanalyst C. G. Jung, all human consciousness connects in the collective Unconscious.
Can it be experimentally verified? Applying the synchronicity principle, formulated by C. G. Jung, along with the philosophical, cosmological model of the I Ching, a series of experiments aim to better understand the interconnectedness of Human Consciousness.
Synchronicity, as a principle, stipulates that two events may be linked together not only by a causal chain but also because they create meaning. The I Ching (aka Yi Jing) is a cosmological and philosophical system more than three thousand years ago used to improve the decision-making processes by integrating non-rational dimensions, which may be assimilated to a kind of precognition into evaluating various options.
The hypothesis to be tested is:
1. If several people are working on the same issue with the I Ching, i.e. as a single archetypal, collective dimension, how do the obtained hexagrams reflect that collective concern?
2. Does the whole set of obtained hexagrams indicate a significant deviation from what the laws of statistics allow? A recognizable and repeatable violation of the statistics would provide experimental evidence for the interconnectedness of Human Consciousness.
To run this series of experiments, Dr. Chantal Toporow, senior SSE member, and Dr. Gabriel Felley, new SSE member, seek volunteers willing to participate. Easy instructions will be emailed to participants. All that is needed is access to the website, three coins, and be willing to do a once a month I Ching session, consisting of one question posed per the brief instructions. Basic I Ching knowledge is not needed. The results will be presented at a future transition talk at the Arlington Institute next March 2021.
For more details, you are invited to contact Dr. Gabriel Felley at
Dr. Gabriel Felley studied Theoretical Physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. For decades, he has been dealing with the I Ching to rehabilitate it as a sophisticated, holistic methodology to understand the logic underlying the processes of change in a generic way and to promote it as a tool for the support of managerial decision-making processes. He has written numerous articles and lectured on topics related to I Ching in Switzerland as well as in Germany, China, Vietnam and the USA.