{"id":59486,"date":"2008-04-10T12:54:23","date_gmt":"2008-04-10T16:54:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/arlingtoninstitute.org\/?p=59486"},"modified":"2020-11-10T12:55:41","modified_gmt":"2020-11-10T17:55:41","slug":"volume-11-number-06-4-10-2008","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/arlingtoninstitute.org\/volume-11-number-06-4-10-2008\/","title":{"rendered":"Volume 11, Number 06 4\/10\/2008"},"content":{"rendered":"

Volume 11, Number 06
Edited by John L. Petersen

See past issues in the Archives<\/a><\/p>

In This Issue:
TAI PRESENTS – John L. Petersen
Future Facts<\/a> – From Think Links
Think Links<\/a> – The Future in the News\u2026Today
A Final Quote<\/a><\/p>

SEMINAR IN BERKELEY SPRINGS, VW \u2013 Lee Carroll\/Kryon<\/strong><\/p>

If you were in the futures business and ran into someone who accurately and regularly told you what was going to happen, say, a year or two from now, would you listen to him or her? What if they did it for 17 years, telling you about upcoming scientific discoveries (18 months before they showed up in Scientific American or Science)\u2026. or explained how things like global warming really work, which, though at odds with the common understanding of such things, nevertheless made a great deal of sense?<\/p>

Obviously you\u2019d think this person was pretty special, and even if they didn\u2019t tell you how they knew these things, a reasonable person (you\u2019d think), would look at the track record and say: \u201cIn this time of extraordinary change, with major disruption on the horizon it would make sense to get as much input as possible from any reliable source \u2013 particularly one that can help anticipate futures.\u201d<\/p>

That\u2019s how I feel about Kryon. As has happened throughout recorded history, certain people have been \u201cplugged in\u201d to unusual sources of knowledge, seemingly not of this world, but with information that turns out to be very important for how we humans live and the future that we experience. The Bible and other religious teachings are full of this stuff, so in one sense, it\u2019s not unusual when such a source comes along. They have been doing so for a long time.<\/p>

Lee Carroll had Kryon show up in his life many years ago quite against his will and interests. It was only after a couple of years of very explicit prodding that he caved in and agreed to tell others what was being said to him from an extraordinary source who called itself Kryon. Kryon said that he\/it was an angelic entity responsible for all of the science related to this world and, in fact had had a role in putting the whole thing together many eons ago. The engineer in me generates a very big and immediate question when people say such things, since none of this can be proved. So I\u2019ll be quick to say that I don\u2019t know who Kryon is any more than the next guy.<\/p>

But I do know that reading his 12 books of 17 years of verbatim revelations over the past couple of years I have been mightily impressed with not only the extraordinary wisdom and knowledge but also the spirit of this being. And after all, he predictably predicts the future\u2026 and that\u2019s a pretty good gig.<\/p>

So, since we\u2019re looking at a VERY muddled future in the next few years (beginning with the global financial system which may be starting to rapidly unravel), we thought it might be interesting and worthwhile to invite Kryon to come to Berkeley Springs and listen to what he says about the future we\u2019re all going to have to experience \u2013 and maybe shape. After all, these are certainly unusual times \u2013 perhaps we should start to listen to some unusual sources.<\/p>

So I invite you to join us for a special Sunday afternoon on May the 4th here in Berkeley Springs with Lee Carroll and Kryon. My guess is that it will be quite memorable. If all of this is a bit weird for you, just think of it as a second opinion from an admittedly strange but very credible source \u2013 kind of like a guy who dresses really funny but is very smart and wise. You don\u2019t have to believe it . . . and it won\u2019t hurt to listen\u2026 and if it\u2019s not your cup of tea, we\u2019ll give you your money back! Can\u2019t lose on that.<\/p>

Come along. You might like it.<\/p>

Kryon Seminar with Lee Carroll<\/strong>
Hosted by John Petersen, Berkeley Springs, WV
Sunday May 4th, 2008, 1:00pm-6:30pm
Click here for more details<\/a><\/strong>
If you have other questions, please email:

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DID YOU KNOW THAT…<\/em><\/strong><\/p>